Landscape Commission

La Municipal Landscape Commission is the technical-advisory body of the Municipality of Milan which expresses obligatory, non-binding opinions - unless otherwise provided by law - regarding:
  • ordinary landscape authorization provided for by the art. 146 of the legislative decree of 22 January 2004 n. 42, regarding the administrative powers attributed to the Municipality by art. 80 of the Regional Law 11 March 2005 n. 12;
  • simplified landscape authorization provided for by Presidential Decree 31/2017 for the interventions listed in Annex "B";
  • assessment of landscape compatibility, pursuant to art. 167 of the legislative decree 22 January 2004, n. 42;
  • imposition of administrative penalties in landscape matters;
  • amnesty measures ex Art.32 of Law 28 February 1985 n. 47;
  • landscape impact of the projects referred to in part IV of the regional landscape plan regulations;
  • cases foreseen by the PGT Implementation Rules;
  • preliminary projects presented pursuant to articles. 40 and 55 of the Building Regulations;
  • opinions in the cases provided for by current regulations.

The Commission expresses its opinion paying particular attention to coherence of the planned interventions with the principles, rules and constraints of the landscape tools in force, for the purposes of overall protection of the territory and evaluates the proposed interventions in relation to the compatibility of the interventions with recognized landscape values ​​e congruity with the management criteria of the protected asset.

To check the landscape constraints you can consult the PGT online - PdR - Table R-06.

Following the entry into force of the PGT in force on 5.2.2020, for building permits subject to the provisions of the art. 5 of the NA of the PdR, the definition of "courtyard" indicated in paragraph 24 of the aforementioned article prevails over the contents of Managerial Resolution no. 63/2014 for the purposes of applying the PGT rules.

It is possible to view i names of the members of the Commission, theirs curricula as well as the declarations certifying the list of construction projects carried out and/or started in the city of Milan in the last three years (in which they have professionally collaborated and worked before taking on the role - see Building Regulations - art. 49.8).

Visit the Transparent Governance

In order to simplify the administrative activity, clients and designers are asked to submit, at the same time as the building practices that require an opinion under the jurisdiction of the Landscape Commission, a BOOK that contains the necessary and sufficient documents for the evaluation of the Commission.

The Landscape Commission in office for the three-year period 2021-2024, in its session on 3 November 2022, approved the document "Principles for the Urban Regeneration of Milan".

The same Commission, in the session of 5 October 2023, approved the integration of the document with the inclusion of a new principle regarding "tall buildings".

The document communicates that the Urban Regeneration of Milan has among its foundations the qualitative transformation of the forma urbis, with the aim of contributing to triggering an evolutionary process of the urban fabrics and increasing the quality of form and use of open spaces, a prerequisite of overall improvement of the city's landscape.

The Landscape Commission therefore urges clients and designers to contribute to raising the quality levels of the city's open space, strengthening with buildings the present and recognizable typological elements of Milan's spatiality: streets, squares, blocks, tree-lined avenues, gardens urban areas, parks, water channels. And also reinterpreting these same typological elements in contemporary terms in the configuration of new parts of the city.

Appeal for responsible intervention on the building heritage - Year 2021

Following the administrative simplifications regarding the "Eco bonus", the Landscape Commission of the Municipality of Milan, in underlining the need and importance of the energy improvement of the building stock, expresses concern for the outcomes of a process potentially indifferent to its architectural quality and promotes an appeal for careful and sensitive planning of the architectural object on which one intervenes, also in terms of language, finishes and materials.
For the interventions that can be carried out with the foreseen procedures, the cultural responsibility for the methods of transformation of the building heritage that configures the entire landscape of the city of Milan has been entirely entrusted to the clients and designers, without any comparison or verification by the institutions. .
A landscape that includes a significant and particular season of European modernity, also known and studied abroad, particularly fragile above all due to its experimental nature on materials, and which also includes important evidence of the attempts to confer architectural dignity on the very notable building development of the second post-war period by resorting to discreet and delicate details, which today, just when they are starting to be considered and appreciated, risk being uncritically erased.
Adequate sensitivity to the project could evaluate interventions that involve the fronts of public spaces as little as possible, where adequate qualities are recognised, with a view to safeguarding the collective and identity memory of Milan's architecture and landscape as a whole.
The Landscape Commission of the Municipality of Milan. Approved unanimously at the meeting of 1 July 2021.

Contribution to the enhancement of the heritage of modern Milanese architecture: intervention evaluation criteria - Year 2020

The Landscape Commission, in the session of 23 July 2020, approved the document "CONTRIBUTION TO THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE HERITAGE OF MODERN MILAN ARCHITECTURE: CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF INTERVENTIONS" with the aim of starting to address more systematically, also from the operational, the issue is as delicate and important as it is very urgent, of what perspective to outline for this fundamental part of the identity of the Milanese urban landscape.

Manifesto of addresses and guidelines - Years 2010-2016

In 2010, the Landscape Commission of the Municipality of Milan adopted the first "Manifesto of addresses and guidelines" (approved in the session of 4 February 2010) in order to explain some qualitative criteria used for the evaluation of projects. Six years later, after the approval in 2012 of the Territorial Government Plan (PGT) and in 2014 of the new Building Regulations (RE) - which defined many fundamental elements regarding landscape aspects and attributed further tasks to the Commission itself - the Commission deemed it appropriate to propose a First Update based on the experience gained. The new version of the Manifesto confirms, on the one hand, general principles and objectives and, on the other, adds some further indications regarding the project evaluation criteria.
The document is aimed primarily at designers, including the designers of public works who play a decisive role in generating the urban quality of the contemporary city, and therefore also at designers who operate within the Municipality of Milan itself, in investee companies and in other entities. Secondly, the Manifesto is aimed at operators and clients (public and private), as well as, more generally, at "all citizens wishing to consciously participate in the processes of transformation of their living environment".



The Commission meets weekly (every Thursday afternoon).

The agenda of the meeting of the Landscape Commission is published on Thursday morning for the meeting to be held the same afternoon.

You can consult the last five agendas.

Summary minutes

The summary report (only the outcome of the projects examined) is published by the following working day after the Commission meeting.

It is possible to consult the last five summary minutes. 

For information you can contact the offices by telephone at: 02 884.64986 (active Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00).

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Updated: 07/05/2024