Renewing the concession of cells or columbariums: what it is, how it works

The municipal administration does not send individual communications to citizens to inform them that a concession is expiring. In fact, it is up to the interested parties to verify the expiration of the products and renew the concession.

Every year the Municipality indicates the departments of columbaria and cells expiring through posters displayed, as well as in cemeteries and on theMunicipal Notice Board, even in the most crowded public facilities. For concessions stipulated starting from the year 2000 it is possible to check the expiry dates by consulting the Citizen's File.

Check the posters for renewals of columbaria and expired cells.

Renewal can happen once and its duration is currently equal to half of that initially agreed, i.e.:

  • 20 years for columbaria
  • 15 years for cells.

The renewal starts from the expiry date of the original concession.

The cost is equal to two-thirds of the tariff applied for the concession of the building in force at the time of renewal.

Rates may undergo variations as a result of annual adjustments (effective January 1st) or following the adoption of measures by the municipal administration.

Updated rates are available , promising.

The renewal conditions are indicated on the paper contract.

In summary, here are the key points: 

  1. obligation for those who have the concession to observe the rules of Municipal regulation of funeral and cemetery services and the relevant legal provisions;
  2. commitment on the part of those who have the concession and/or their heirs to formally communicate to the municipal administration, with absolute promptness, any change of address of their domicile;
  3. impossibility of further renewals upon expiry of the renewed concession.

If you prefer do not renew the concession of the artefact and give another location to the deceased person consult:

or contact our offices (see box Information).

If the concession of the artefact is not renewed by the date indicated on the poster or no other arrangement is made for the deceased persons, the Municipality automatically plans the exhumation activities:

  • the bodies not yet mineralized will be buried in the undecomposed field;
  • the bone remains will be placed in a common ossuary;
  • the ashes in the common cinerary.

The program for the exhumation of expired and non-renewed cells and columbaria is also made known through posters (click here), posted not only in cemeteries and onMunicipal Notice Board, even in the most crowded public facilities.

For information and appointments

Office for Renewal of Burials, Exhumations and Exhumations
via Larga, 12 - 1st floor - room 111
hours: by appointment only, from Monday to Friday, from 08 to 30

Use the services

Updated: 29/02/2024