News for the week 18-22 May

The news of the week

Milan, May 22, 2020 – Innovation: digital support for the elderly and virtual assistant “020202”. The Municipality's digitalisation projects also proceed through partnerships with companies in order to guarantee citizens simplified access to the greatest number of information and services.
Over 130 'digital angels' have been activated to support the over 65s to help them both get in touch with family members using technology and discover the online services of the Municipality of Milan. 
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A Whatsapp chatbot has been launched, active 7 days a week, to respond simply and promptly to the most common questions about the coronavirus emergency. 
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Trade: all 94 open markets in the city reopen and non-food sellers return. From May 25th the calendar of the city markets will resume and will take place in compliance with the anti-gathering instructions.
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Milan 2020: interest and participation in the first consultation period. Citizens, associations and organisations, did not spare themselves and contributed to providing many proposals and suggestions on mobility, business, environment, school, work and many other topics. The contributions received to date are available on the Municipality's portal, while the consultation will remain open until May 31st.
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Milan Catering: the calculation of total reimbursements for primary and secondary schools begins. Following the official confirmation that the structures will not reopen for the current school year, it is now possible to proceed with the final calculations of the reimbursements due to the students' families. For the overall refund of the fees due to the families of nursery school children, it will be necessary to wait for the adoption of the relevant ministerial provision. 
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Updated: 29/05/2020