Archive funds

Archive funds

The War Archive was added to the original collection, which includes extremely important funds, including the Carlo Cattaneo, Cesare Correnti and Agostino Bertani archives, in 1925.
During the bombings of 1943 the collections suffered serious damage and some of the documents were lost. In the last few years the Archive has expanded considerably thanks to numerous purchases and donations. 

La Guide to Archive Collections, in addition to providing information on the consistency of our collections, reports the accompanying tools, the existence of which generally makes the collection accessible to the public. In 2019, a reorganization and inventory campaign of various archive funds was started which made it possible, compared to what is reported in the Guide, to consult further material.

In order to provide updated information, the inventories in PDF format of some archival funds have been made available to the public

You can download the Guide and inventories from the links below