Transfer the body to another Italian municipality after the death has been confirmed

For the transport and burial of the deceased in other Italian municipalities after the confirmation of death authorization from the Municipality of Milan is required.

Authorization must be requested after reporting the death and can be issued both to citizens and to companies authorized to carry out funeral activities.



  • death report;
  • application with revenue stamp of €16,00;
  • additional revenue stamp of €16,00 to be applied on the transport decree issued by the Municipality.

If the practice is entrusted to a business must also be presented:

  • delegation to the company;
  • copy of a valid identity document of the delegating party.

If the transportation takes place to carry out the cremation of the body:


Funeral, Burial and Cremation Office
via Larga, 12 - 1st floor - room 115/120

Hours (show up at least 30 minutes before the office closes):

  • from Monday to Friday, from 8 to 30 for all services;
  • Saturdays and midweek holidays from 8 to 30 for all services (entrance from via Rastrelli);
  • Sunday from 8 to 30 for deaths in homes and deaths in nursing homes without a mortuary (entrance from via Rastrelli).

Updated: 22/11/2023