Car Pooling

Car Pooling is the sharing of car trips: more people share the same vehicle, thus reducing the number of vehicles on the roads.

Thanks to Car Pooling you save time, money, stress and help reduce environmental pollution. Plus free parking in five ATM silos!

  • You save time
    Fewer cars on the road means less traffic, allowing you to get to your destination faster
  • Lower travel costs
    Thanks to Car Pooling you reduce fuel and parking costs
  • You pollute less
    By Car Pooling you reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere
  • Free parking
    If you are a CarPooler in the ATM silos there are parking spaces dedicated to you
  • Reduce traffic
    With fewer cars on the road, traffic becomes less of a problem
  • Less use of common resources
    Less use of common resources requires less maintenance and brings important economic savings for the community

Anyone who travels from home to work or other city destinations.

You can Car Pool every day to get to and from your workplace or for your trips to the city.

You can Car Pool in any area where there are other CarPoolers nearby who use the Apps enabled by the Municipality of Milan.

  • Online
  1. Download the BePooler App (available on Appstore and Googleplay)
  2. Enter your information to create your personal profile
  3. Enter your starting point (home address) and destination (work address)
  4. Plan your trips
  5. Choose whether you want to be Driver (driver) or Rider (passenger)
  6. Find colleagues near you to share your commute through the App
  7. Car Pooling begins!

Find out more about the BePooler website


Log in to the service

Download the App for your operating system:

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Updated: 23/06/2023