Nursery schools: what they are and how they work

The nursery school welcomes girls and boys aged 3 to 6 years. It lasts three years and is not mandatory.
Promotes the identity, autonomy, skills and citizenship of girls and boys through:

  • educational strategies that contribute to the growth of competent, curious girls and boys, capable of building meaningful relationships with adults and peers through constructive discussion
  • actions that promote the education and emotional, psychomotor, cognitive, moral, religious and social development of girls and boys by promoting their resources, talents, autonomy, creativity and desire to learn
  • the valorisation of the peculiarities and resources of every girl and boy, in the awareness that every growth path has personal times and methods that educators recognise, respect and support.

All educational activities are planned and carried out in accordance with both the average skills expected for each age group and with the current pedagogical guidelines.

Confirmation of place for the 2024/2025 educational year

Confirmation for the 2024/2025 educational year happens ex officio, upon payment of the registration fee, for children born in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 and regularly attending in the 2023/2024 educational year.

  • In case of transfer or renunciation

From 12:00 on 14 December to 12:00 on 19 December 2023, families interested in requesting a transfer or waiving confirmation of the place can communicate this by following the procedure indicated a this link.  

In the Insights it is possible to consult the Press Release and the related Attachment, containing the list of structures relating to the Spring and Kindergarten Sections of reference.

The organization of the educational day involves the alternation of moments dedicated to gaming experiences and activities, with moments characterized by actions that are repeated every day: welcoming in the morning, personal care and hygiene, tidying up the spaces in the finishing an activity, lunch time, relaxation and returning home.

Le routine they are, therefore, important educational care actions, because they help girls and boys to understand the rhythms of the day and to organize their actions in coherence with the moments of the educational day.

Educators accompany girls and boys in their growth, welcoming them from the nursery and the Spring Sections and organizing their educational path in the nursery school with actions that promote continuity and educational coherence between the different experiences.

Continuity means educating about passage and transitions, promoting curiosity and willingness to change, teaching girls and boys to constantly reorganize their resources and to welcome the opportunities for growth that different life contexts offer.

The Summer Sections of Nursery Schools are a service offered in the month of July to girls and boys who attend municipal, state and private private nursery schools in places in agreement with the Municipality of Milan.

The objective of the service is to offer families an educational and recreational project even in the summer month, to help families reconcile life and work times during school closures. 

Creative recreational activities, group games and physical activities, painting and theater workshops are offered, in line with the skills and abilities expected for that age group.

The Educational Unit Councils of Children's Services of the Municipality of Milan, together with the Citizen Representation, make up the collegial bodies of Children's Services and are renewed every 2 years to elect their members - chosen from among those who make up the educational community (parents, educators and auxiliary staff) – and promote their active participation.

Learn more about Regulations of the Collegial Bodies of the Municipality of Milan.

Use the services


The map of children's services

Charter of Childhood Educational Services of the Municipality of Milan

3 6-years

Normative requirements:

  • Ministerial Circular of 13 November 2017
  • Presidential Decree 445/2000, articles. 75, 76
  • Penal Code, art. 483 and following
  • Council Resolution no. 147/2000 
  • Council Resolution no. 830/2005
  • DGR 9 March 2020 - n. XI/2929
  • Law 119/2017, Urgent provisions regarding vaccination prevention, infectious diseases and disputes relating to the administration of drugs
  • Legislative Decree 65/2017 (Establishment of the integrated education and training system from birth to six years)

Regulations of Collegial Bodies for educational services to children

Pedagogical Guidelines for Children's Services 0/6

Updated: 04/03/2024