Corvetto overpass

Expected program
Rethinking of the overpass to mend the urban fabric, strengthening the functional mix, remodulating vehicular traffic, enhancing cycle-pedestrian mobility, reducing exposure to noise and air pollution and introducing innovative solutions for climate adaptation.

Competition dates
October 2022 – July 2023 (winner selection)

Participation in the program
28 proposals
1 winning project, 4 special mentions

Winning project
The “Fly over live under” project, developed by the multidisciplinary team Fab For Future (FFF), aims to intervene both above (over) and below (under) the Corvetto overpass, rethinking spaces currently dominated by the presence of cars, inaccessible and not very usable by the inhabitants of the neighborhood. Above, it is proposed to eliminate vehicular traffic and transform the viaduct into an attractive place in which to stop, walk among pergolas, seats and green areas, as well as observe the city from a new point of view. Below, however, it is proposed to redevelop the spaces currently occupied by parked cars through the introduction of new aggregation and sporting activities, such as climbing walls, ping-pong tables, basketball and bowls courts. Furthermore, in the proposal Piazzale Corvetto will be transformed from a road hub to a real square, creating a new meeting place, livable and easily accessible thanks also to an increase in pedestrian areas. The project, addressing in detail the 10 principles promoted by the tender, provides for a reduction of approximately 5,5 hectares of space intended for cars and an increase of approximately 5,4 hectares of space for pedestrians. The proposal also includes the planting of 485 new trees, the creation of a multi-function square and approximately 2.400 mXNUMX of new spaces for sporting and social activities, as well as the construction of a new building for services and commercial activities (catering, shared spaces). working, for events and meetings between craftsmanship and digital) near Piazzale Corvetto. The proposal was also developed through discussion with the local community and residents, who provided input for the development of the project. A phased development was envisaged in order to control and guarantee the adaptability of the proposal.

Winning team
Federico De Angelis, Matteo Augenti, Moses Colombi Manzi, Giorgia Cassia, Luca Forestiero, Vincenzo Cresi, Mariasole Facchi, Andrea Giunchedi & Davide Salvi | University of Milan - Bicocca, Polytechnic of Milan & University of Genoa



Updated: 31/08/2023