Temporary advertising

temporary advertising means an advertising exposure lasting between one day and 3 months, possibly extendable through certain means.

For everyone, express authorization is required, issued on the basis of a specific request (declaration of display in the case of flyers, sales, promotional sales, posters for ceased activity and posters) to be submitted via a specific platform.


For telephone information:
phone: 02.02.02
active from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 16:00

For information regarding ongoing procedures, write to the following certified email address:

For information regarding the preparation of sign procedures, write to the following address:
ELE.PubblUffInsegne@comune.milano.it (using an ordinary email channel).

For information regarding the preparation of permanent advertising practices, write to the following address:
ELE.PubblUffGrandiImpianti@comune.milano.it (using an ordinary email channel).

For information regarding exposure declarations relating to logos on company vehicles, write to the following address:
BIL.icp@comune.milano.it (using an ordinary email channel) or the certified e-mail address icp@pec.comune.milano.it 



Updated: 23/04/2024