Implementation planning

The Implementation Plan (PA) is one of the methods of implementing the PGT pursuant to articles. 6 and 12 of LR 12/05 and subsequent amendments; equally the Integrated Intervention Program (IIP) referred to in the art. 87 et seq. of the same Law.
According to the provisions of the general urban planning tool (PGT), an implementation planning and negotiated programming tool is used in the situations listed below.

We inform you that starting from 1 July 2022 the new amounts relating to secretarial fees will come into force in urban planning and construction matters. The updating of the same was approved with City Council Resolution no. 706 of 18/05/2022.

It should be noted that the review of the administrative acts which regulate the process of carrying out works assimilated to public works is currently underway (by way of example: urbanization works with deductions and services/equipment in place of the transfer of areas for the purposes of urban planning provision) in the context of urban planning and construction procedures (for example: implementation plans and affiliated building permits) in accordance with the new Public Contracts Code (Legislative Decree no. 36/2023).
Following the approval of these documents, the institutional portal will be updated, also with reference to the documentation to accompany the requests for these proceedings.

For new construction interventions, in the expansion of an existing building or on a free area and for urban restructuring interventions, the implementation takes place through an implementation plan, of both public and private or mixed initiative, for interventions having an ST greater than 20.000 m13.3. in cases where they are connected to the implementation of urban redevelopment interventions or in any case to a forecast of significant new urban planning facilities (art. XNUMX.c PdR).

In the unitary urban areas included within the Areas characterized by a Recognizable Urban Design (ADR), the urban restructuring interventions, differently from what is regulated by the art. 13 of the PdR, are subordinated to the preparation of an implementation plan or program extended to the entire perimeter of the unitary urban ensemble (art. 21.6 PdR).

For the new construction of Large Sales Structures also organized in unitary form (GSV) - admitted exclusively in the areas relating to Interchange Nodes and Squares of the areas subject to Regeneration and to the Large Urban Function of San Siro, according to the specifications set out in art. 30.6 PdR – if greater than 10.000 m20. of sales surface, the implementation takes place through an Implementation Plan or other Plan/Program only when expressly provided for by the Program Agreement, a prerequisite procedure pursuant to the DGR of 2013 December 1193 n. X/XNUMX.

The properties delimited and numbered - from PA1 to PA8 - in Table R.02 are subject to a mandatory implementation plan.

The administration recommends activating an optional preliminary phase consisting in the presentation of an initial plan proposal, aimed at:

  • verify the coherence of the proposed intervention with the programmatic guidelines of the Administration, through a preventive comparison with the competent Areas, the relevant Municipality and the Landscape Commission;
  • identify the most appropriate methods of conferring territorial endowment (sales/servicing of areas, monetization, creation of equipment);
  • identify urbanization works and service equipment.

At the instance of submission of the initial proposal and the request for submission of the definitive proposal must be attached, under penalty of failure to register, proof of payment of the sums due by way of secretarial rights and revenue stamp, according to the methods indicated in Attachment 9, in the Documentation for the definitive proposal of PA and PII and in the Documentation for the definitive proposal of PA and PII.

All requests aimed at presenting new implementation planning proposals of private initiative, for which the procedure has not already been started, must be submitted to the following PEC address of the Urban Regeneration Directorate:

1)    Initial proposed application
2)    Final proposed application
3)    Initial proposal documentation
4)    Final proposal documentation
5)    Implementation agreement model
6)    Work schedule template
7)    Economic report template
8)    Privacy information art. 13 EU Regulation no. 679 of 2016
9)    Secretarial rights valid from 01/07/2022

The content of the agreement scheme for implementation plans, of the agreement scheme for social residential housing interventions and of the scheme for the agreement of services of public and general interest, was approved by the Directors of the competent Areas and transmitted by the Director of the Urban Planning Directorate for application and monitoring by offices. 

The evaluation and approval procedure of the implementation plans takes place in compliance with the provisions of the art. 14 of Regional Law 12/2005 and provides - internally - for the carrying out of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) procedure or verification of eligibility for SEA.
With DD n. 14 of 28.07.2017 The Validation of the standard procedure model for investigation, adoption and approval of implementation plans in implementation of the PGT was approved  

Use the channels indicated and follow the instructions

All requests aimed at presenting new private initiative implementation planning proposals, for which the procedure has not already been started, must be submitted to the following PEC address of the Urban Regeneration Directorate:

Urban Regeneration Directorate - Implementation Planning Area 1
Certified email:

Urban Regeneration Directorate - Implementation Planning Area 2
Certified email:

All requests aimed at presenting new private initiative implementation planning proposals, for which the procedure has not already been started, must be submitted to the following PEC address of the Urban Regeneration Directorate:

Urban Regeneration Directorate - Implementation Planning Area 1

Urban Regeneration Directorate - Implementation Planning Area 2

Urban Regeneration Directorate - Implementation Planning Area 1
arch. Sara Augusta Morlacchi (

Urban Regeneration Directorate - Implementation Planning Area 2
arch. Paolo Guido Riganti (

Urban Regeneration Directorate - Implementation Planning Area 1
Information: tel. 02 884.64997 - 02 884.66814

Urban Regeneration Directorate - Implementation Planning Area 2
Information: tel. 02 884.66906

Updated: 21/03/2024