Calendar from 23 to 27 January 2023

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Budget and Real Estate (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta)
Agenda: Resolution N/7-2023: Single programming document (Dup) and budget forecast 2023-2025. Will participate:

  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


The Budget Councilor analyzed the budget items of the Single Programming Document (DUP) and the 2023-2025 Forecast Budget, as reported in the proposed resolution no. 7/23, then answering the questions of the Councillors. At the end of the session, the President declared resolution no. 7/23 discussed and postponed, which will be declared discussed and sent to the Council debate, only after the various in-depth analyzes on the budget items of the various Municipal Sectors.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget-Real Estate e Civic Services, Relations with Municipalities, Digitalisation  (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Arienta Alice)
Agenda: Forecast Budget 2023 - Directorate of Civic Services and digitalisation. Will participate:

  • Councilor Gaia Romani,
  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Guido Arnone,
  • Dr. Laura Peroncini,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


The Councilor for the Budget, as well as the Councilor and the Directors of the Civic Services, Municipalities and Digitalisation Directorates, illustrated to the Commission the data relating to the 2023 Budget. They therefore provided a response to the requests for information formulated by the Councilors regarding current expenses of the Municipalities Area, registry offices, digital projects and Customer Relationship Management.

from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget-Real Estate e Control of Participatory Bodies (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Bestetti Marco)
Agenda:Forecast Budget 2023 - Participate Management. Will participate:

  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Paolo Poggi,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • the dr. Andrea Borsani.


The Councilor and the Offices illustrated the part of the budget forecast concerning the companies and entities owned by the Municipality, highlighting how, unlike the last budgets when the lack of dividend income had a negative impact on the Municipality's budget, this year, thanks to the work of the Directors and a more favorable market trend, it is possible to change the situation, focusing on the dividend given by SEA. The councilors asked questions regarding the possibility of reducing the loss of ATM revenue caused by illegal construction, the difficulty of understanding how it is possible that SEA has a dividend of 30 million euros following the decision to outsource some services and whether it is true the sales intention of M4. The Councilor answered the questions, shared the need to monitor the situation of the services that SEA intends to outsource and pointed out that to date there is no news of intentions to sell M4.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget-Real Estate e Mobility, Environment, Green-Animals   (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Monguzzi Carlo)
Agenda: Forecast Budget 2023 - Mobility Directorate. Will participate:

  • Councilor Arianna Censi,
  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Stefano Riazzola,
  • the dr. Guido Costa,
  • the dr. Salvatore Barbara,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


The Mobility Councilor, with the help of her staff, illustrated the budget estimate of her Department, highlighting that the largest expense is that linked to Local Public Transport and it is hoped to bring the revenue from this service to levels close to those of the 2019. In fact, the 2023 budget provides for a revenue, relating to the TPL, of 395 million euros, exceeding the 2022 collection which was 330 million euros. Furthermore, an update was presented regarding the progress of the projects relating to the extension of the metropolitan lines and the construction of some light rail systems. Part of the resources allocated to these projects come from the PNRR. The Councilors asked some questions which were promptly answered.

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget-Real Estate  e Urban Regeneration (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Ceccarelli Bruno)
Agenda:Forecast Budget 2023 - Urban Regeneration Directorate. Will participate:

  • Councilor Giancarlo Tancredi,
  • the Arch. Simona Collarini,
  • Dr. Ivana Belloni,
  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


The Councilor for Urban Regeneration and the Offices illustrated the 2023 Budget Forecast relating to the Urban Regeneration Directorate, clarifying that it is substantially in line with both the forecast and the 2022 balance sheet. They highlighted some aspects.
The councilors asked questions aimed at defining some items more precisely and asking for clarifications on some topics. The Offices responded fully to these requests.

from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget-Real Estate  e Economic Development-Labour Policies (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Orso Mauro)
Agenda:Forecast Budget 2023 - Development Directorate Economic and Labor Policies. Will participate:

  • Councilor Alessia Cappello,
  • Dr. Sabina Banfi,
  • the dr. Luigi Draisci,
  • Dr. Monica Mori,
  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


The Councilor for Economic Development and Labor Policies underlined that, in her case, there are no large capital investments or immediate cash outflows to be commented on. The salient action of its Department is to provide synergistic support to the world of businesses and production activities in general, even more so in a critical moment like this, always with a view to the development of commercial activities and the future development of the city, with the The objective of creating a public-private relationship which, fortunately, this municipal administration has been able to put together over the years in a very positive and constructive context, and from which the city substantially benefits. Therefore, in reality many investments and opportunities come primarily from this context and therefore the strategic work of this Sector is largely based on the attraction of resources and talents, through tenders, especially European ones, which allow us to attract resources for the Municipal administration which it can in turn use to continue this city development, which has seen Milan in recent times stand out as a driver of productive and commercial innovation.

from 11.30pm to 12.30pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Budget and Real Estate (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta)
Agenda: Resolution n/71-2023: Automatic cancellation of debts with a residual amount of up to one thousand euros resulting from individual loads entrusted to the national collection agent from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2015. Exercise of the option not to apply the write-off measure , pursuant to art. 1, paragraph 229, of Law 29 December 2022, n. 197. The following will be present:

  • councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • the dr. Massimiliano Bianchimano,
  • Dr. Antonella Fabiano.


Considering that law no. 197 of 29 December 2022, containing the State budget forecast for the financial year 2023 and the multi-year budget for the three-year period 2023-2025, offers the possibility of writing off a certain type of debt, the proposed resolution no. is illustrated. 71-2023, with which the municipal administration decides not to apply the cancellation measure.
The municipal councilors who attended asked questions and asked for clarification, especially regarding the amount of possible revenue, in the event that it was decided to apply the write-off measure instead.

from 13.00 pm to 14.30 pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget and Real Estate e Welfare-Health (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Fumagalli MarcoCarlo) 
Agenda: Forecast Budget 2023 - Welfare and Health Directorate. Will participate:

  • Councilor Lamberto Bertolè,
  • dr. Michele Petrelli,
  • dr. Giuseppe Barbalace,
  • dr. Marco Pope,
  • dr. Guido Gandino,
  • dr. Angelo Stonghellini,
  • Dr. Cristiana Benetti Alessandrini,
  • Dr. Renata Boria,
  • Dr. Monica Gusman;
  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


The Councilor for Welfare and Health and the Offices illustrated the 2023 Budget Forecast, highlighting that we will try to address it in a dynamic manner by intensifying the ability to intercept resources with the political objective of maintaining the perimeter of past years. The Councilors asked questions on the merits asking for clarifications on some topics, the Offices gave exhaustive answers.


from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget and Real Estate ed Education - Food Policy (Presided over by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Pontone Marzia)
Agenda: Forecast Budget 2023 - Education and Food Policy Directorate. Will participate:

  • Councilor Anna Scavuzzo,
  • Dr. Beatrice Arcari,
  • the dr. Giovanni Colubriale,
  • Dr. Roberta Guerini,
  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


During the session, the Councilors for Budget and Education illustrated the budget items relating to the Education and Food Policy Directorate which shows a substantial maintenance of the performance and services provided over the past year. Some difficulties, however, could arise in the field of Summer Centers and Holiday Homes, following the failed transfers, although requested both by the Municipality of Milan and by ANCI Lombardia and Nazionale, by the Central State. The same Councilors hoped, during the current accounting year, for a remedial intervention by the Government.


from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget and Real Estate  e  Sport, Tourism, Youth Policies and Wellbeing Policies, Olympics-Paralympics Milan Cortina 2026  (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta, Councilor Vasile Angelica and Councilor Giungi Alessandro)
Agenda: Forecast budget 2023. Youth Work and Sport Directorate. They will be present:

  • Councilor Martina Riva,
  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Mario Almasio,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


The Councilor for Sport, Tourism and Youth Policies illustrated the 2023 budget of her Department. In particular, he highlighted the effort aimed at further increasing the Summer Camps also making use of Third Sector entities, the attention towards young people and tourism with various projects supported not only by municipal resources, but also by funds coming from the participation to national and European tenders. The Councilors asked questions which were promptly answered.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget and Real Estate  e Security and Social Cohesion (Chaired by Councilor Simonetta D'Amico and Councilor Michele Albiani)
Agenda: Forecast budget 2023 - Safety Department The following will be present:

  • the councilor Marco Granelli,
  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Marco Ciacci,
  • the dr. Paolo Ghirardi,
  • Dr. Paola Zarba,
  • Dr. Giulia Golino,
  • Dr. Lina Rosa Lucarelli,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


The Security Councilor detailed the budget items of Urban Security, Local Police and Civil Protection, both incoming and outgoing. The same Councilor, with the Budget Councilor, the Local Police Commander and the Security Sector Managers, then responded in detail to the questions posed by the Councillors.

from 16.00 pm to 17.30 pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget and Real Estate e Culture (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Costamagna Luca)
Agenda: Forecast budget 2023. Culture Directorate. Will participate:

  • Councilor Tommaso Sacchi,
  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Marco Minoja,
  • the dr. Domenico Piraina,
  • the dr. Fabrizio Chirico,
  • the dr. Gianfranco Maraniello,
  • the dr. Stefano Parise,
  • Dr. Isabella Menichini,
  • Dr. Marina Pugliese,
  • Dr. Maria Fratelli,
  • Dr. Maria Giovanna Vitulano,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • Dr. Pamela Mondino.


The Councilor and the Directors of the Department illustrated what is contained in the budget forecast as far as they are concerned. They underlined that the context forces us to look carefully at the chapters concerning public spending. A call for caution was implemented but without limiting activities. These have been listed in depth together with the aspects concerning spending, which shows stability compared to last year, and revenues which allow a positive projection for the future. The councilors asked questions on some aspects and received complete and exhaustive answers.

Updated: 31/01/2023