Calendar from 19 to 22 April 2022

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Olympics and Paralympics Milan Cortina 2026 (Chaired by Councilor Alessandro Giungi)
Agenda: "Presentation of the Erasmus Olympics". They will speak: 

  • Gerlando Sciabica - President of Erasmus Student Network Italy; 
  • Massimiliano Marziali - Erasmus Student Network Italy Events Manager; 
  • Serena Cannizzaro - Liaison Officer Erasmus Student Network Italy; 
  • Councilor Martina Riva.


The President of Erasmus Student Network Italy, the Head of Events Erasmus Student Network Italy and the Liaison Officer Erasmus Student Network Italy illustrated to the Commission the National Erasmus Games, which will be held at the Saini sports center from 22 to 24 April, in relation to the following sports : mixed futsal, mixed volleyball, mixed basketball and men's and women's athletics. They therefore responded to the requests for information formulated by the Councilors regarding the number of participants, the events that were organised, the methods for becoming volunteers and the logistical organization of the participants' travel.

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Teams mode connection
Trijoint Council Commission Budget and Real Estate, House and Neighborhood Plan e Urban Regeneration (Chaired by Councilor Simonetta D'Amico, Councilor Federico Bottelli and Councilor Bruno Ceccarelli)
Agenda: Illustration of resolution no. 1095: "Approval of the Plan for Real Estate Disposals and Developments for the year 2022, drawn up pursuant to art. 58 of Legislative Decree no. 25 of 2008 June 112 converted into Law no. 6 of 2008 August 133". 
Councilor Emmanuel Conte will participate


The Councilor illustrated the provision which, exceptionally for this year, is prepared independently from the DUP. He explained that every year a list of properties to be developed or sold is prepared. There are 3 Departments involved for different types of properties or assets. The councilors asked questions in order to go into detail about some choices; the Offices and the Councilor responded fully to these by providing the specific requests and specifying that at present it is preferable not to request the value of the property, since the estimate is expensive and the value is subject to fluctuations; therefore this will be requested from the Territorial Agency only at the time of the tender notice. Furthermore, it was specified that the proceeds are intended for what is required by law. At the end of the examination of the provision, the President sends it to the Chamber for the continuation of the process.


from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Institutional Affairs and the Metropolitan City (Chaired by Councilor Enrico Fedrighini)
Agenda: Resolution N.429/2022: Amendment of paragraph 3 of the art. 40 of the current Organization and Functioning Regulations of the City Council. 


The Councilors examined the contents of resolution no. 429 which establishes that, on the days in which the Municipal Council meets, the flag of the Lombardy Region is displayed outside the municipal residence, in addition to the flag of the Italian Republic, the Municipality and the European Union.
The President declared the measure discussed and could be submitted to the City Council for examination.

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Budget and Real Estate (Chaired by Councilor Simonetta D'Amico)

1) Resolution No. 948/2022 - Recognition, pursuant to art. 194, c. 1, letter. a), of Legislative Decree 267/00, of off-balance sheet debts deriving from the payment of legal expenses for n. 10 executive judicial measures against the Municipality of Milan in cases followed by the Municipal Attorney's Office for a total of €. 35.394,70. The measure involves expense.

The lawyer will be present. Antonello Mandarano.

2) Resolution No. 775/2022 - Recognition, pursuant to art. 194, c. 1, letter. a), of Legislative Decree 267/00, of off-balance sheet debts deriving from the payment of legal expenses for n. 13 executive judicial measures against the Municipality of Milan in cases followed by the Municipal Attorney's Office for a total of €. 46.726,98. The measure involves expense.

The lawyer will be present. Antonello Mandarano.


The Chief Lawyer illustrated the two resolutions nos. 775 and 948-2022, detailing the sentences that determined the off-balance sheet debts contained in the provisions. No Councilors intervened on this matter, therefore the President declared the two resolutions 775 and 948-2022 discussed, sending them to the Council for debate.

from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission  Economic Development and Labor Policies e Control of Participatory Bodies (Chaired by Councilor Mauro Orso and Councilor Marco Bestetti)
Agenda: Hearing of the trade associations operating in the wholesale agri-food markets of Milan managed by So.Ge.Mi. SpA


The representatives of the associations operating within the vegetable market illustrated the difficulties they are encountering having to work in a structure which is currently being renovated. They also reported Sogemi's failure to share the development phases of the project and a difficulty on the part of this company in dealing with those who work in the vegetable market. The Presidents of the Commissions have offered their availability to have other moments of discussion with the wholesalers' associations and the management of Sogemi and have announced that, shortly, an inspection will be carried out at the vegetable market to verify the working conditions of the operators this structure.

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Trijoint Council Commission Urban Regeneration, Mobility-Environment-Green-Animals e  Welfare and Health (Chaired by Councilor Ceccarelli Bruno, Councilor Monguzzi Carlo and Councilor Marco Carlo Fumagalli)
Agenda: Resolution No. 1143-2022. Approval of changes to the provisions of the Service Plan pursuant to art. 9 paragraph 15 LR 12/2005 and subsequent amendments for the creation of public services and of general public interest in order to make the areas of via Valsesia snc, via De André snc and viale Jenner 44 urbanistically compliant with the construction of community homes and hospitals. We inform you that the following have been invited to the Commission's work:

  • the Councilor for Urban Regeneration Giancarlo Tancredi,
  • the Councilor for Welfare and Health Lamberto Nicola Giorgio Bertolè,
  • the Councilor for Mobility Arianna Censi,
  • the Director of the Urban Regeneration Directorate arch. Simona Collarini,
  • the Director of the Welfare and Health Directorate Dr. Michele Petrelli,
  • the Director of the Mobility Directorate Eng. Stefano Riazzola.


The competent Councilors illustrated resolution no. 1143, concerning three areas of the city in which to insert Community Homes or Hospitals and then responded to the questions posed by the Councillors, explaining that probably the area of ​​Via De André, in Municipality 5, it will be replaced with an area in viale Dei Missaglia, at the suggestion of the Municipality itself. At the end, the Presidents declared the measure discussed, sending it to the Council for debate.


from 9.30 to 11.00 - Inspection
Joint Council Commission Culture e Welfare and Health (Chaired by Councilor Costamagna Luca and Councilor Marco Carlo Fumagalli)
Agenda: "MediCinema Project at Niguarda Hospital". Will participate:

  • General Director of ASST "Grande Metropolitano Hospital" Niguarda: dr. MARCO BOSIO;
  • President of MediCinema Italia Onlus: Dr. FULVIA SALVI;
  • Prof. University of Pavia and Head of the Cognitive Neuropsychology Center ASST "Grande" Niguarda: GABRIELLA BOTTINI;
  • Official, Entertainment Area, Convention and Partnership System Management Unit: dr. MASSIMO GOTTARDI.


The Councilors went to the Niguarda hospital to view the MediCinema project which proposes the use of cinema for healing and rehabilitation purposes within hospital facilities and nursing homes. The Commissioners expressed their appreciation for the project and offered their support for its implementation.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Trijoint Council Commission Equal Opportunities-Civil Rights, Welfare-Health e Education-Food Policy (Chaired by Councilor De Marchi Diana, Councilor Fumagalli MarcoCarlo and Councilor Pontone Marzia)
Agenda: "Establishment of Game Day". They will be present:

  • the Deputy Mayor, Anna Scavuzzo;
  • the Councilor for Welfare and Health, Lamberto Bertolé;
  • the Guarantor for Children's Rights, Dr. Silvio Premoli.


The Deputy Mayor and the Councilor for Welfare, in the presence of the Guarantor for Children and the coordinator of the Councils of Boys and Girls, presented the Council Resolution for the establishment of the "Game Day" (28 May) and illustrated the main initiatives planned for the week which will culminate on May 28th. Some Councilors underlined the need to dedicate, during that week, moments of reflection on the theme of children's rights, to provide for less car traffic near schools when pupils leave, to better protect the equipped play areas and to implement their presence in the city, to discourage the use of private cars to take children to school and to allow children to play within condominium courtyards.

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Equal Opportunities-Civil Rights e Security-Social Cohesion (Chaired by Councilor De Marchi Diana and Councilor Albiani Michele)
Agenda: "Presentation Security in Pink - self-defense courses for women". The following will be present at the hearing:

  • Veronica Bettarello - Course coordinator
  • Elena Lattuada,
  • Councilor Marco Granelli,
  • the Presidents and Councilors of the Municipalities.


The Councilor and the Offices have clarified that the Security Department has been organizing free female defense courses for several years held directly by Local Police personnel.
They announced that from 2016 to 2022, 47 courses were held in which 686 people participated. Each course is divided into ten lessons characterized by a theoretical part and a part dedicated to physical preparation.
A debate followed during which the Councilors welcomed the initiative and made some suggestions such as the involvement of the Municipalities to make the courses more accessible.

from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Anti-mafia (Chaired by Councilor Rosario Pantaleo)
Agenda: Focus on the topic of criminal infiltration into companies: risk mapping and prevention tools
The following Transcrime representatives will be present as speakers: 

Dr. Michele Riccardi; 
Dr. Giovanni Nicolazzo.


The speakers invited to the commission provided specifications relating to Transcrime, an inter-university research center on transnational crime of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, the University of Bologna and the University of Perugia, highlighting the main points. The Councilors asked questions on the merits which were given exhaustive answers.

Updated: 26/04/2022