Calendar from 13 to 17 December 2021

from 11.00 to 12.30 - Inspection
Council Commission Equal Opportunities-Civil Rights e Culture (Chaired by Councilor De Marchi Diana and Councilor Luca Costamagna)
Agenda: INSPECTION at the Teatro Menotti Perego headquarters. Presentation of the renovated Menotti Perego Theater and accessibility/inclusion project. Will participate:

  • Councilor Tommaso Sacchi;
  • dr. Marco Minoja,
  • Dr. Isabella Menichini,
  • Municipal Councilor 3 (Culture): Valeria Borgese.


The building that currently houses the Menotti Perego Theatre, the subject of the inspection, was taken over some time ago by an investment fund, which, in turn, proposed its purchase to the theater company that manages it. Not being able to take out such a heavy mortgage (two million euros), there was a risk that the structure would become a car park reserved for neighboring condominiums. Mr. Filippo Perego, magnate and patron and whose surname enriched the naming of the Theatre, intervened and with his own funds, acquired the right of ownership of the property and granted the Company a semi-free loan for use for twenty years. The artistic director, during the short debate held on site, illustrated the initiatives regarding the full accessibility of the structure.

from 15.00pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission European Funds, PNRR, European and International Policies (Chaired by Councilor Pacente Carmine)
Agenda: “PNRR, where are we at” The following will be present at the hearing:

  • the Honorable Mariastella Gelmini, Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies.


Minister Gelmini took stock of the situation with respect to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), the related funds and the projects that will have to be generated in order to access the Funds, then answering the questions posed by the Councillors.

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget - Real Estate e Control of Participatory Bodies (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Bestetti Marco)
Agenda: RESOLUTION NO. 3397/2021 PARTICIPATE AREA Ordinary periodic review, pursuant to art. 20 of Legislative Decree 19 August 2016, n. 175, of the companies owned by the Municipality of Milan - Recognition of the shareholdings held, directly and indirectly, as of 31 December 2020. The following will participate:

  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo, Director of Financial Statements and Participates,
  • Dr. Laura Peroncini, Director of the Participatory Area.


The Councilor and the Offices illustrated the provision in question, recalling that the review of direct and indirect corporate shareholdings held by Local Authorities constitutes an obligation introduced by Legislative Decree No. 175 of 19 August 2016.
A debate followed at the end of which the President declared resolution no. discussed. 3397 which can be submitted to the City Council for consideration.

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission House and Neighborhood Plan (Chaired by Councilor Bottelli Federico)
Agenda: "Illustration of the changes approved by the Lombardy Region relating to Regulation n.4/2017". Will participate:

  • General Director of Home and Social Housing of the Lombardy Region Dr. Di Raimondo,
  • Director of Home Management Dr. Zinna.


The General Director of Housing and Social Housing of the Lombardy Region illustrated, together with his collaborators, the changes approved by the Lombardy Region in relation to Regulation no. 4/2017. He therefore responded to the requests for information formulated by the Councilors regarding the public housing supply plan, the scores that are assigned, the forfeiture procedure, the assignment of public residential housing to the poor and to women victims of violence .

from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Mobility - Environment - Greenery and Animals (Chaired by Councilor Monguzzi Carlo)
Agenda: Continuation "ENERGY AND CLIMATE AREA. Proposal number 3408 SUBJECT: Counter-argument to the observations and final approval of the Air and Climate Plan document and related annexes. This resolution does not involve expenditure."

Councilor Grandi will be present.


The General Director of Housing and Social Housing of the Lombardy Region illustrated, together with his collaborators, the changes approved by the Lombardy Region in relation to Regulation no. 4/2017. He therefore responded to the requests for information formulated by the Councilors regarding the public housing supply plan, the scores that are assigned, the forfeiture procedure, the assignment of public residential housing to the poor and to women victims of violence .

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Urban Regeneration (Chaired by Councilor Ceccarelli Bruno)
Agenda: RESOLUTION N. 3427/2021 GENERAL URBAN PLANNING AREA Provisions relating to abandoned buildings with critical issues pursuant to art. 40 bis of the Regional Law of 11 March 2005 n. 12 and subsequent amendments. The following will participate in the work of the Commission:

  • Councilor Giancarlo Tancredi,
  • the architect Simona Collarini Director of Urban Planning Management,
  • the architect Marino Bottini Director of General Urban Planning,
  • the dr. Marco Porta Area Director.


The Councilor illustrated the contents of provision no. 3427 specifying the reasons why the Municipality chose to exclude certain areas of the city from the effects of the regional law and to apply the minimum volumetric index allowed for the regeneration of buildings. He specified that, as in the previous law, the Municipality also finds principles of unconstitutionality in this one. The councilors intervened indicating different reasons on the basis of which to agree or reject the measure. The Councilor provided a timely response to the observations received. The President deemed the debate concluded and declared the provision discussed and the process can now continue in the Council Chamber.

from 12.00pm to 13.00pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Urban Regeneration (Chaired by Councilor Ceccarelli Bruno)
Agenda: RESOLUTION N. 3427/2021 - GENERAL URBAN PLANNING AREA: Provisions relating to abandoned buildings with critical issues pursuant to art. 40 bis of the Regional Law of 11 March 2005 n. 12 and subsequent amendments. The following will participate in the work of the Commission:

  • Councilor Giancarlo Tancredi,
  • the architect Simona Collarini Director of Urban Planning Management,
  • the architect Marino Bottini Director of General Urban Planning,
  • the dr. Marco Porta Area Director.


The representatives of the trade associations formulated their assessments regarding resolution No. 3427, putting forward proposals for modifications in some of its parts. The councilors intervened by evaluating the contents of the provision (already discussed by the Commission during the session held yesterday). The Councilor responded to some requests by motivating the reasons why the Council developed the measure and providing clarifications regarding specific points.

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Budget-Real Estate e House-Plan Neighborhoods (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Bottelli Federico)
Agenda: "Focus on the list of public works in change to the PTO attached to resolution no. 2958 Programming 2021-2023 - Change in the financial budget - Amendments to the Single Programming Document (DUP)". They will be present:

  • Councilor Emmanuel Conte,
  • Councilor Pierfrancesco Maran,
  • the dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • the dr. Massimiliano Papetti.


The Housing Councilor illustrated the reference legislation relating to the PTO, the standard schemes for the planning of public works, going into detail on the composition of sheet A relating to the period 2022-2024 and the subdivision of the economic resources divided by Directorate with the indication of the priorities relating to 2021. The Councilors asked for some clarifications which were promptly answered.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Welfare and Health (Chaired by Councilor Fumagalli MarcoCarlo)
Agenda: Constitution of the Prisons Subcommittee


The President and the Vice President of the Welfare and Health Commission have formally established the Prisons Subcommittee, inviting the Councilors to inform the Commissions Office within a short time of their availability to be part of it, so that the list of members of the Subcommission can be drawn up, which will be convened as soon as possible for the election of the President and Vice President.

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Sport-Tourism-Youth Policies-Policies for Wellbeing (Chaired by Councilor Vasile Angelica)
Agenda: “Hearing of Dr. Fabrizio Chirico, Director of the Youth, University and Higher Education Area”.


The Director of the Youth Area presented the activities carried out by Informagiovani which provides an information, orientation and support service aimed at young people aged 15 to 34 on the topics of: work, school and training, volunteering, international mobility, health and well-being, cultural and leisure activities. It also provided details on the work carried out by the operators of this service and data on participation in the activities organized for young people. The Councilors expressed their appreciation for this service and asked for further information which was answered comprehensively.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission European Funds, PNRR, European and International Policies (Chaired by Councilor Pacente Carmine)
Agenda: "The European recovery program ReactEu and the 2021-2027 structural funds for the benefit of the territories: where we are".

The Director of the European Commission Nicola de Michelis, responsible for the programmes, will be present at the hearing.


The Director of the European Commission provided specifications relating to the overall framework of the main European financing instruments, especially with regard to the city of Milan, specifying that there is approximately a year's delay with respect to the start. The Councilors asked questions on the merits which were given exhaustive answers.

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission Equal Opportunities-Civil Rights (Chaired by Councilor De Marchi Diana)
Agenda: "Presentation of data on the anti-violence network and Case Arcobaleno." They will be present:

  • Miriam Pasqui - Rights and Severe Marginalization Unit;
  • Sabrina Ortelli - Rights and Severe Marginalization Unit;
  • the representatives of the anti-violence network and the Arcobaleno house.


During the session, data relating to the phenomenon of gender violence relating to the city of Milan were presented. Furthermore, the data sheets relating to the network system to combat gender violence in the Municipality of Milan were illustrated. Particular attention was also paid to the issue of publicizing the anti-violence initiatives identified by the Anti-Violence Network and specific attention to the issues of raising awareness among the police forces and the judiciary and the need to have greater economic resources.

from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Commission Room
Council Commission Anti-mafia (Chaired by Councilor Pantaleo Rosario)
Agenda: Ecomafie 2021 Report by Legambiente. Speaker: Dr. Sergio Cannavò - head of the legal action center of Legambiente. Will be present:

  • Department of Safety Councilor Marco Granelli,
  • Head of Staff Dr. Paolo Razzano.

Local police:

  • Deputy Commander Paolo Ghirardi,
  • the Chief Commissioner of the Territorial Problems Unit Eleonora Zanolio.


The session was dedicated to the presentation of Legambiente's Ecomafie 2021 Report, of which the head of the Legal Action Center of the well-known environmental association was the speaker. The Deputy Commander of the Local Police also spoke for the occasion, as he is directly involved in this type of crime. The directors were able to analyze the relevance of the data presented, and asked operational proposals and in-depth questions which were fully answered.​​​​​​​â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹â €‹ â € ‹

Updated: 21/12/2021