Calendar from 10 to 14 May 2021

from 16.00 pm to 17.30 pm - Teams mode connection
Housing-Public Works Council Commission, Erp (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta)
Agenda: Presentation of the Tenant Portal. They will be present:

  • Councilor Gabriele Rabaiotti,
  • the President of MM Simone Dragone,
  • the Director of the MM Home Division Corrado Bina,
  • the architect Achille Rossi Director of ERP Management Area.


The managers of the Housing Department of MM SpA illustrated the portal dedicated to tenants of public residential buildings, through which contract holders can access, in addition to general information, a reserved area in which to view contractual data and the accounting entry, download the rent slips not yet paid, open reports and view their management status. They therefore responded to the requests for information formulated by the Councilors regarding data on user digitalisation, response times for reports and current arrears situations.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Mobility-Transport-Environmental Policies-Energy-Civil Protection-Animals-Green and Education, Instruction, University-Research (Chaired by Councilor Monguzzi Carlo and Councilor Pontone Marzia)
Agenda: “Enhancement of public transport in relation to schools.” They will be present:

  • Councilor Granelli,
  • the President of ATM Dr. Arrigo Giana.


In the presence of the Councilor for Mobility and the ATM General Director, as well as some managers responsible for the General Planning and Operation Control of the Milan metro and ATM surface vehicles, a session was held to illustrate and explore the strategies of strengthening of the service adopted by the Milanese public transport company in relation to the needs for social distancing imposed by the health emergency, in particular due to the staggering of school entrances following the progressive opening of schools. The councilors present were able to analyze the plans adopted by the company, highlighting the resources used and the critical issues faced. 

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission Mobility-Transport-Environmental Policies-Energy-Civil Protection-Animals-Green and Verification-Control of Participated Bodies (Chaired by Councilor Monguzzi Carlo and Councilor De Pasquale Fabrizio)
Agenda: Hearing of the residents' committees on the MM1 and MM2 sections subject to vibrations. Illustration of MM's initiatives and the table at the Municipality. Will participate:  

  • Councilor Marco Granelli


The citizens living in the condominiums affected by the vibrations and noise caused by the passage of MM convoys have expressed their discomfort and discomfort since, despite repeated reassurances, the problem, after more than 2 years, has not yet been resolved. They asked about the status of the checks by ATM and what is being done to resolve the problems. The Councilor explained the Municipality's intervention to find a remedy for the situation and explained that funds have been allocated in the PTO for this purpose. MM and ATM intervened by illustrating the problems encountered and what solutions are being adopted. The Town Hall councilors and municipal councilors intervened, highlighting how the dramatic nature of the situation affects both the health of citizens and the state of the buildings. Having exhausted the time available and finding that other councilors had requested to speak, the Presidents ordered the continuation of the Commission on another date.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Urban Planning-Private Construction Council Commission, Milanese Agricultural System (Chaired by Councilor Ceccarelli Bruno)
Agenda: Resolution N/690-2021 - Recognition of off-balance sheet debt pursuant to art. 194 – paragraph 1 – letter. a) Legislative Decree 267/2000 for the amount of €2.960,62 due for the reimbursement of monetization in lieu of finding spaces for appurtenant parking connected to the recovery of the attic, paid by Mr. VA, in addition to the litigation costs of €3.568,24 for the total sum of €6.528,86, in compliance with sentence no. 2138/2020 issued by the TAR for Lombardy. The following were invited to the Commission's work:

  • Councilor Pierfrancesco Maran,
  • the architect Simona Collarini,
  • the architect Giovanni Oggioni,
  • the lawyer Antonello Mandarano.


The officials of the Municipal Attorney's Office and the Urban Planning Sector illustrated resolution no. 690/2021, concerning an off-balance sheet debt, then responding on the merits to the questions posed by the Directors. At the end, the President declared the resolution discussed, allowing it to continue for debate in the Council Chamber.

from 16.00 pm to 17.30 pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission on Institutional Affairs, Metropolitan City - Municipality and Verification-Control of Participated Bodies (Chaired by Councilor Censi Arianna and Councilor De Pasquale Fabrizio)
Agenda: Draft proposal for a council initiative for changes to the Regulation on the guidelines and procedures for the appointment, designation and revocation of representatives of the Municipality at entities, companies, institutions and investee companies. He'll be there:

Dr. Laura Peroncini Director of the Participatory Budget Area.


The Offices have clarified that the draft proposal for a council initiative in question arises from the need to adapt the Appointments Regulation to the current regulatory framework. They also clarified that the aim is to identify more precisely the hypotheses of revocation, forfeiture and replacement, always in light of current legislation; a more precise indication of the tasks incumbent on the various actors involved in the appointment procedure and a definition of the scope of application of the information obligations, to which the representatives designated and appointed by the Municipality in the participated entities are required, with a view to simplification and adaptation to current legislation. A debate followed during which some Councilors asked questions and asked for clarifications. Since the time available had expired, the Presidents ordered the responses to be postponed to a subsequent Commission.

Updated: 07/08/2023