Calendar from 08 to 12 February 2021

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission for Culture and Suburbs (Chaired by Councilor Turco Angelo and Councilor Osculati Roberta) 
Agenda: Condominium libraries. Invited:

  • Councilor Filippo Del Corno;
  • dr. Marco Minoja, Culture Director;
  • dr. Stefano Parise, Director of Libraries Area;
  • dr. Andrea Minetto, Departmental Staff;
  • Dr. Lory Dall'Ombra, Departmental Staff;
  • Dr. Elena Conenna, Departmental Staff


During the Commission it was made known that today in Milan there are 17 condominium libraries, spread throughout the urban territory, but with a large prevalence in the more peripheral areas. It was underlined that these are places of meeting and relationship, an important driving force for the promotion of reading and also places within which the transmission of the values ​​of legality is very active. A debate followed during which some Councilors intervened on the merits. 


from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission on Equal Opportunities-Civil Rights and Education, University and Research (Chaired by Councilor De Marchi Diana and Councilor Pontone Marzia)
Agenda: Presentation of the Pedagogical Guidelines for the “ZEROSEI” Integrated System. They will be present:

  • Councilor for Education and Instruction: Laura Galimberti;
  • National Commission for the Integrated Education and Training System: Susanna Mantovani.


The Education Councilor and the representative of the National Commission for the Integrated Education and Instruction System provided specifications relating to the Pedagogical Guidelines for the “ZEROSEI” Integrated System. The Guidelines are made up of six parts: children's rights which explains that the integrated system has the aim of guaranteeing all girls and boys equal opportunities to develop their social, cognitive, emotional, affective and relational potential ; the training ecosystem; the centrality of children; the Curriculum and planning: organizational choices; the coordinates of professionalism and the guarantees of governance. Therefore, some reflections on the merits emerged from the Councilors and guests.

from 16.00 pm to 17.30 pm - Teams mode connection
Housing-Public Works Council Commission, Erp (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta)


1) Rental at affordable costs, presentation of the study carried out by Nomisma in which the Municipality of Milan collaborated: "Inclusive Milan. The production of homes for rent at affordable prices". Will participate:

  • Councilor Rabaiotti;
  • the lawyer Guido Bardelli, CDO president;
  • Dr. Elena Molignani, Head of Real Estate Business Unit and Urban Strategies of Nomisma;
  • the dr. Alessandro Maggioni, President of Confcooperative Habitat and ACI/ Abitare;
  • Dr. Paola Delmonte Redo Sgr;
  • the architect Giordana Ferri Executive Director of FHS;
  • the dr. Matteo Busnelli, Coordinator of the Legacoop Lombardia social housing department. 


2) Resolution N/50-2021 Recognition of off-balance sheet debt pursuant to art. 194, 1st paragraph letter. a), Legislative Decree 267/2000, deriving from the payment of the total sum of €4.553,26.= in execution of the sentence of the Lombardy Regional Administrative Court no. 1167 of 02/05/2018 - RG n. 2490 of 2013. The provision entails expense.


  • Dr. Laura Lanza Director of Public Works Tenders Area;
  • Dr. Maria Lucia Grande Director of the Single Central Procurement Directorate.


The guests illustrated and commented on a study by the Nomisma Company, in which the Municipality of Milan collaborated, relating to the panorama of social residence rentals in Milan, then answering the questions of the President and the Councillors. The offices of the Central Procurement Office then illustrated resolution no. 50/21 and the President, not registering any interventions on the matter from the Councillors, declared the provision discussed, sending it to the Council for debate.


from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Teams mode connection
Council Commission on International Affairs, Post Expo, European Policies (Chaired by Councilor Pacente Carmine) 
Agenda: “European ordinary funds 2021-2027 for cities and urban areas: the work of ANCI and IFEL”. They will be present:

  • the dr. Francesco Monaco, Head of Territorial Cohesion Policies Department of IFEL;
  • the dr. Paolo Testa, Head of the ANCI studies and research office and cohesion policies area.


The guests described in depth the state of the art of the regulatory framework concerning the European ordinary funds for the seven-year period 2021/2027 and the contents of the policies that have been identified. They also indicated the potential benefits that Milan will be able to enjoy once the works for the construction of the objectives have been completed. They remarked that the sums available are of considerable magnitude and can no longer be replicated in the future. The councilors underlined the need for the funds to arrive within certain times and believed that it is essential for the Administration to make an effort to develop, present and implement projects, a necessary step for the Funds to be disbursed.

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Trijoint Council Commission on Institutional Affairs - Metropolitan City Municipality, Verification-Control of Participatory Bodies and Innovation, Transparency, Digital Agenda, Civil Status (Presided over by Councilor Censi Arianna, Councilor De Pasquale Fabrizio and Councilor Arienta Alice)


  1. General Management - resolution No. 272 ​​"Membership of the Municipality of Milan to the Consortium for the Information System (CSI Piedmont) as an "ordinary consortium body". Councilor Roberta Cocco, Dr. Carmela Francesca, Eng. will participate. Guido Albertini and Dr. Sara Belli. 
  2. Facility Management Area - Resolution N/115-2021 "Recognition of off-balance sheet debts, pursuant to art. 194, c. 1, letter a), of Legislative Decree 267/2000, deriving from the payment of compensation for damages for Civil liability of the Municipality of Milan, for cases followed by the State Property and Heritage Directorate according to the methods established by the Civil Liability towards Third Parties policy, following 4 executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality for a total of € 70.204,57. The provision entails expense ." Councilor Roberta Cocco and Dr. will participate. Claudio Bisi.


The Councilor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services illustrated resolution no. 272/2021 which, within collaborations in the ICT field, provides for membership of the CSI Piemonte consortium as a center of specialized knowledge and high-level experience capable of provide solutions to the computerization needs expressed by the consortium administrations. Following this, the top manager of the Facility Management Area illustrated, in turn, resolution no. 115/2021 which establishes the recognition of off-balance sheet debts deriving from 4 adverse sentences against the Municipality of Milan, which provide for the payment of damages for civil liability. The councilors present were able to delve deeper into the contents of both resolutions. 

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Teams mode connection
Urban Planning-Private Construction Council Commission, Milanese Agricultural System (Chaired by Councilor Ceccarelli Bruno)
Agenda: Further information regarding resolution no. 95/2021 "Provisions relating to abandoned buildings with critical issues pursuant to art. 40 bis of Regional Law 11 March 2005 n. 12 and subsequent amendments and provisions relating to the recovery of existing ground floors pursuant to art. 8 of Regional Law November 26, 2019, no. 18." The following will participate in the work of the Commission:

  • Councilor Pierfrancesco Maran,
  • the architect Simona Collarini,
  • the architect Marino Bottini,
  • the architect Giovanni Oggioni.


During the session, the political debate on Regional Law no. continued. 18 of 26 November 2019 and on the proposed resolution no. 95/2021 on which the City Council should express its opinion in application of the regional law, started in the last session of 21 January 2021. Several Councilors expressed their political position on these two provisions and regarding the appeal to the TAR on the constitutional illegitimacy of the regional law whose outcome is awaited. Furthermore, the Councilor for Urban Planning reported that the corresponding regional Councilor declared himself willing to start a discussion table to improve some aspects of the law and the consequent application rules.


from 17.30 pm to 19.00 pm - Teams mode connection
Education, Instruction, University-Research Council Commission (Chaired by Councilor Pontone Marzia)
Agenda: Presentation of Resolution N/144-2021 - Recognition, pursuant to art. 191, paragraph 3 and with the methods provided for by article 194, paragraph 1, letter e) of Legislative Decree 267/2000 and subsequent amendments, of the expenditure relating to the extremely urgent interventions for the restoration and reclamation of school spaces, following the the fire occurred at the Pisacane – Poerio comprehensive school, via Pisacane, 9, and approval of the works pursuant to art. 163 of Legislative Decree 50/2016 and subsequent amendments for a total amount of €244.000,00 (including VAT 22%). They will be present:

  • Councilor for School Buildings: Paolo Limonta;
  • Director of the Neighborhoods and Municipalities Department - RUP: Franco Zinna;
  • School Technical Area Director: Elena Nannini;
  • Technical Services Officer for Schools Technical Area: Antonietta Sassano;
  • Technical Services Officer Electrical Systems Area: Walter Antonio Fontana;
  • MM manager for ordinary school maintenance management: Roberta Pezzulla;
  • MM manager for ordinary maintenance of systems and infrastructures: Andrea Galbusieri


Councilor Limonta, the MM technicians and the managers of the competent sector intervened during the session to illustrate the proposal for Council Resolution no. 144/2021 and relating to the recognition of an off-balance sheet debt concerning the safety of the Pisacane - Poerio comprehensive school, following the fire that broke out there on the evening of 28 December 2020, then declared discussed at the end of the meeting. The timeliness with which action was taken to secure the structure was appreciated by most, thanks to the use of the emergency institution, and thus allowed the schoolchildren to return to class, and yet, concerns were raised regarding the the obligation to pass measures of this nature to the City Council and also regarding the delays in completing the implementation of the fire safety certification program for school facilities.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission on Housing-Public Works, ERP and Anti-Mafia (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Gentili David)
Agenda: Operational models of the PTPCT (Three-Year Corruption Prevention and Transparency Plan) which concern the Home Management. They will be present:

  • the Deputy General Secretary Mariangela Zaccaria,
  • Dr Luciano Ossani,
  • Dr. Pasqualina Ceglia.


The Deputy Secretary General illustrated the new operational models for the prevention of corruption and transparency, which have been prepared for the Housing Directorate in synergy with its managers. In particular, the procedures relating to the assignment and revocation of housing were presented as well as those relating to illegal occupations. The Councilors asked for clarifications on the same to which an exhaustive response was given.

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Teams mode connection
Budget-Taxes-State Property-Procurement Council Commission (Presided over by Councilor Conte Emmanuel)
Agenda: Examination of resolutions N.135/2021 Recognition, pursuant to art. 194, c. 1, letter. a), of Legislative Decree 267/00, of off-balance sheet debts deriving from the payment of legal expenses for n. 13 executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality of Milan in cases followed by the Municipal Attorney's Office for a total of €. 62.756,02. The measure involves expense. N.155/2021 Recognition of off-balance sheet debts pursuant to art. 194 paragraph 1 letter a) of the Consolidated Law on Local Authorities (TUEL), deriving from the payment of legal expenses for executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality of Milan in cases under the jurisdiction of the Specialized Collection and Collection Directorate for a total of €35.021,66. The measure involves expense. They will be present:

  • Councilor Roberto Tasca,
  • dr. Roberto Colangelo,
  • adv. Antonello Mandarano.


The Councilor and the Offices illustrated the contents of resolutions no. 135 and n. 155, specifying that the payment of legal expenses relating to sentences in which the municipal administration loses in court is subject to the approval by the municipal council of the related off-balance sheet debts, as established by the Court of Auditors. At the end of the illustration and the interventions of the Councillors, the Vice President declared resolutions n.135 and n.155 discussed and can be submitted to the examination of the Municipal Council. 

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Teams mode connection
Joint Council Commission on Tourism, Territorial Marketing, Wellbeing, Sport, Leisure and Culture (Chaired by Councilor Fumagalli MarcoCarlo and Councilor Turco Angelo)
Agenda: Programming activities of the city museum system. Invited:

  • Ass. Filippo Del Corno
  • Ass. Roberta Guaineri
  • Marco Minoja - Culture Director
  • Claudio Salsi - Superintendent of the Sforzesco Castle
  • Domenico Piraina - Director of the Scientific Exhibitions and Museums Area
  • Annamaria Montaldo - Director of the Modern and Contemporary Art Polo Area
  • Maria Fratelli - Director of the House Museum and Special Projects Unit
  • Annamaria Maggiore - Director of the Artistic Heritage Enhancement and Security Area
  • Lory Dall'Ombra, Elena Maria Conenna, Andrea Minetto - Department Staff.


The Councilor for Culture illustrated the plan for the scheduled openings of the city museums, which will remain open from Tuesday to Friday, in compliance with the regulations for combating epidemiological spread. He announced that the 2021 edition of MuseoCity (which extraordinarily will coincide with museum week) will see the participation of over 80 institutions including art museums, science museums, house museums, design and business museums, archives and artists' studios. Many of the activities will take place during the week in person in the open museums and online throughout the week, including weekends. He then responded to the Councilors' requests for information regarding the exhibitions carried out on digital channels, the situation of street artists, as well as the possibility of organizing guided tours of the city for students and elderly people.

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Teams mode connection
Trijoint Council Commission on Institutional Affairs - Metropolitan City Municipality, Innovation, Transparency, Digital Agenda, Civil Status and Education, Education, University and Research (Presided by Councilor Censi Arianna, Councilor Arienta Alice and Councilor Pontone Marzia)
Agenda: Presentation of the project "Connect the school - Light the future". They will be present:

  • Councilor for Education and Instruction: Laura Galimberti;
  • Councilor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services: Roberta Cocco;
  • Project Director: Sara Belli;
  • Operations Director: Carmela Francesca;
  • Information and Digital Systems Management: Luigi Pisacane;
  • Digital Transformation Councilor Staff: Chiara Daneo;
  • Mayor's Cabinet: Paola D'Antuono;
  • The Bridge Foundation: Rosaria Iardino, Eva Massari;
  • President of the "Never Alone" Association: Michela Jesurum;
  • Lawyer Claudio Ceriani;
  • Rotary President Milan North: Claudia Spriano;
  • Chief Corporate Strategy and Communications Officer of Moncler: Mina Piccinini.


The session focused on the efforts made by the Administration in addressing the problems encountered by schools in relation to the urgent needs arising from the digitalisation of teaching, recorded following the health emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Councilor for Digital Transformation and Civic Services illustrated the projects and actions implemented in favor of schools to address the needs of adequate connections in order to ensure distance learning. In turn, the Councilor for Education and Instruction provided an exhaustive overview of the measures aimed at improving the digitalisation process of Milanese schools in order to reduce the "digital divide", in order to allow all students access fair to digital technologies. The councilors were able to make their considerations and proposals for the continuation of the interventions.

Updated: 07/08/2023