Calendar from 24 to 28 February 2020

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Commission Room
Council Commission Subcommittee on Prisons, Punishments and Restrictions (Chaired by Councilor Pirovano Anita)
Agenda: Presentation by the Prison Observatory of the activity carried out by the private social sector with people subjected to criminal measures - critical issues that have emerged and prospects.   
Dr. Francesco Maisto, Guarantor of the rights of people deprived of personal freedom, will participate.


The members of the Prison Observatory first presented the history and interventions carried out by the Observatory, highlighting the collaborations as well as the number of people followed. They therefore highlighted some critical issues deriving, above all, from the choices made by the Lombardy Region which chose to finance the activities for prisoners with POR/ESF funds, a path which leads to delays in making reimbursements of expenses incurred by the Associations. Furthermore, they underlined the need to consider these interventions no longer as experiments, with consequent financing in the manner described above, but as expenses necessary for the functioning of the Institutes, opening a specific expenditure chapter to be included in the budget. The councilors expressed themselves positively on this request. The debate also concerned the current emergency situation due to the restrictions imposed by the Legislative Decree. government which, for the limited population, implies the loss of any acquired benefit and the reduction of the possibility of accessing interviews with family members. Therefore the President proposed to join her in the request to allow prisoners to make use of one telephone call a day, at least for the duration of the emergency, forwarding it to the Ministry and the PRAP.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Commission Room
Joint Council Commission Mobility-Transport-Environmental Policies-Energy-Civil Protection-Animals-Green and Verification-Control of Participated Bodies (Chaired by Councilor Monguzzi Carlo and Councilor De Pasquale Fabrizio)
Agenda: Renewal of the service contract and possible tendering of the city's cleaning and waste collection service. They are invited:

  • Dr. Maurizio D'Andrea President of AMSA,
  • Councilor Marco Granelli,
  • eng. Filippo Salucci
  • dr. Angelo Pascale.


In the presence of the Councilor for Mobility and Public Works and the Environmental Transition Directorate, the current situation relating to the renewal of the city cleaning and waste collection service contract was presented, as well as the criteria and methods for the possible selection of the supplier of this service. service. The councilors present were thus able to learn about the Council's guidelines in this regard, contributing with their observations.

from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Postponed
Joint Council Commission on Policies for Labour, Economic Development, Productive Activities, Trade, Human Resources, Fashion, Design and Suburbs (Presided by Councilor Specchio Laura and Councilor Osculati Roberta)
Agenda: "The School of Neighborhoods 2020 and other opportunities for the outskirts of the city". They will be present:

  • -Counsellor Cristina Tajani
  • -Mirko Mazzali, Neighborhoods and Municipalities Management
  • -Dr. Annibale D'Elia, Urban Economy and Work Directorate


from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Commission Room
Council Commission for Budget, Taxes, State Property and Procurement (Presided over by Councilor Conte Emmanuel)

  • SPECIALIST COLLECTION AND COLLECTION MANAGEMENT. No. 185 CIRC. 292 Recognition of off-balance sheet debts, pursuant to art. 194 paragraph 1 letter a) of the legislative decree. lgs. 267/2000, deriving from the payment of legal expenses for executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality of Milan in cases under the jurisdiction of the Specialized Collection and Collection Directorate for a total of €320.010,91, relating to judicial measures received in the period 01/01/2019- 10/12/2019. The measure involves expense.  
  • LAWYER DIRECTORATE. No. 186 CIRC. 292  Recognition of off-balance sheet debts deriving from the payment of legal expenses for executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality of Milan in cases followed by the Municipal Lawyer for a total of € 297.640,51, relating to judicial measures received in the period 08/06/2019-04 /11/2019. The measure involves expense. 
  • SPECIALIST COLLECTION AND COLLECTION MANAGEMENT. No. 188 CIRC. 298  Recognition of off-balance sheet debts pursuant to art. 194 paragraph 1 letter a) deriving from the payment of legal expenses for executive judicial measures unfavorable to the Municipality of Milan in cases under the jurisdiction of the Specialized Collection and Collection Directorate for a total of €98.048,63, relating to judicial measures received in the period 11/12/ 2019-07/02/2020. The measure involves expense.

There will be:

  • Councilor Roberto Tasca 
  • Antonello Mandarano - Lawyer Head of the Legal Department - Central Director.


The Budget Councillor, the Collections Area Director and the Legal Affairs Area Director illustrated the three measures on the agenda, then answering the Councillors' questions. At the end, the President declared resolutions nos discussed. 185,186 and 188 and sent them to the Council debate.

Updated: 31/03/2023