Calendar from 26 to 30 August 2019

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Commission Room
Council Commission for EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND CIVIL RIGHTS (Chaired by Councilor De Marchi Diana)
Agenda: “ Self-care. Women in the Community of Destino" Will be present:

  • Sonia Scarpante - Writer, teacher and President of the "La cura di sé" Association;
  • Donatella Carioti – Head of Fiction section Hoepli bookshop;
  • Marco Ronchetto – Journalist OK Salute


The speakers, invited to the Commission, provided specifications relating to the "Therapeutic Writing" method which not only allows us to heal ourselves by giving words to suffering but helps us to be more aware of ourselves. By writing we overcome what blocks us by starting to see life more clearly: "Writing is a creative form that takes on profound meanings and leads to an internal and corporal healing of great regenerative power". The Councilors expressed their reflections on the merits. The President hopes that the project can fall within the scope of the Municipality's projects regarding the Health Area.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Commission Room
Council Commission on URBAN PLANNING, PRIVATE BUILDING, MILAN AGRICULTURAL SYSTEM (Chaired by Councilor Ceccarelli Bruno)
Agenda: Illustration Baiamonti square project in the former Tamoil area. The Arch. was invited to the Commission. Simona Collarini and the Arch. Giovanni Oggioni.  


Councilor Maran and a manager of the Urban Planning Sector illustrated the main features of the project for the profound review of Piazzale Baiamonti (former Tamoil area) and the arteries converging there. The doubts expressed by some Councilors concerned the terms of the tender for the assignment of the works, the actual surfaces assigned to public greenery and the discovery, obtained during previous interventions on the same area, of a portion of the Spanish Walls; the public valorization program was asked to account for the latter. 

at 9.00 am - Inspection
Joint Council Commission HOME - PUBLIC WORKS, ERP and URBAN PLANNING, PRIVATE BUILDING, MILAN AGRICULTURAL SYSTEM (Chaired by Councilor D'Amico Simonetta and Councilor Ceccarelli Bruno)
Agenda: inspection In the via Merezzat area. The technicians of the Municipality and the representatives of the Property will participate in the inspection.
The meeting of the Members is set at 09.00 am in Via Merezzate Ingresso Cantiere where they will go by their own means.


In the presence of the technicians of the Urban Planning Department of the Municipality of Milan, the councilors were accompanied on the visit to the construction site by representatives of the construction company that is building the housing project, envisaged in Social Housing, relating to the area of ​​via Merezzate. The commissioners were thus able to verify the progress of the works, as well as future interventions which concern, among other things, significant urbanization works regarding the neighborhood's roads and school and recreational facilities.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Commission Room
Joint Council Commission CULTURE and EDUCATION, EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY AND RESEARCH (Presided over by Councilor Turco Angelo and Councilor Limonta Paolo)
Agenda: Presentation of the second year of the European MeetMe Tonight project. They will be present:

  • Dr. Fabrizio Chirico, Director of the Young University and Higher Education Area;
  • Dr. Nicoletta Ancona, Conservator of the Aquarium and Civic Hydrobiological Station;
  • Dr. Maurizio Pavesi of the Natural History Museum 
  • Dr. Fabio Peri, Civic Planetary Conservator.


The Councilor for Education and the Director of the Young University and Higher Education Area provided specifications relating to the European MeetMe Tonight project, highlighting that it is an annual event to spread scientific culture among citizens of all ages, through a rich schedule of events: stands with experiments, scientific demonstrations, interactive laboratories, informative talks, moments of meeting with researchers and role-playing games, guided tours, theatrical performances, concerts. This year the program has been enriched with introductory events. The Councilors expressed their reflections on the merits.



at 9.30 am - Inspection
CULTURE Council Commission (Chaired by Councilor Turco Angelo)
Agenda: Inspection in via Sant'Andrea n°6 at Palazzo Morando. They will be present:

  • Councilor Filippo Del Corno, 
  • Dr. Ilaria De Palma 
  • Dr. Simonetta Andolfo.


The curator Dr. De Palma accompanied the councilors to visit the rooms of Palazzo Morando where the fashion museum is located, on the occasion an exhibition on buckles and the display of Rosanna Schiaffino's wardrobe were underway. Furthermore, the rooms display paintings depicting Milan which are a destination for art and urban planning scholars. The currently empty rooms dedicated to temporary exhibitions and the conference hall on the ground floor are also visited. The commission expresses its satisfaction with the structure and hopes for greater awareness of it among citizens. 

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Commission Room 
Agenda:  Metropolitan strategic plan. The General Director of the Metropolitan City Sebastiano Purcaro will also be present 


The Metropolitan Strategic Plan (PSM), the subject of this session, is the central document of the policies adopted by the Metropolitan City for the next three years. The General Director of the Metropolitan City illustrated the main aspects and hypothesized the expected results. The requests for clarification essentially concerned the future of this Institution and the prescriptibility of the contents of the PSM towards the Administrations that are part of the Metropolitan City.

from 17.00pm to 18.30pm - Commission Room
Joint Council Commission on EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND CIVIL RIGHTS and SOCIAL POLICIES AND HEALTH SERVICES, VOLUNTEER WORK (Chaired by Councilor De Marchi Diana and Councilor Vasile Angelica)
Agenda:Presentation of the project “Municipality friendly to mothers: midwife at home”. They will be present:

  • Nadia Rovelli - President of the interprovincial order of midwifery profession of Bergamo Cremona Lodi Milan Monza Brianza;
  • Eleonora Sciascia – Midwife, self-employed and Councilor of the interprovincial midwifery profession of Bergamo Cremona Lodi Milan Monza Brianza


During the session, the obstetrics assistance project was presented, which includes home visits and educational meetings, provided by professional midwives and conceived as part of the network of municipal services. The presence of some midwives from the Order of the Midwife profession, who illustrated their work experience, allowed the councilors present to learn the methods of intervention and the socio-health purposes of the service.

Updated: 22/03/2023