Calendar from 20 to 24 March 2017

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Commission Room
Joint Council Commission Mobility, Transport, Environmental Policies, Civil Protection, Animals and Greenery and Verification and Control of Participated Bodies (Chaired by Councilors De Pasquale Fabrizio and Monguzzi Carlo)
Agenda: M4: new timetable hypotheses and initiatives for the protection of traders and residents.
Councilor Marco Granelli and the President of M4, Dr. will be present. Fabio Terragni.

OUTCOME: In the presence of the Councilor for Mobility, the President of M4 and numerous citizens and shopkeepers, the state of affairs of the construction of the new Line 4 of the Metro was taken stock. First, citizens and shopkeepers were listened to, who brought their complaints about the decline in customers, safety, dirt and traffic in the areas affected by the construction sites. The President of M4 and the Councilor for Mobility recalled the benefits that this new line, which is expected to transport 86 million passengers a year, will bring to the city, then listed a series of impediments encountered, especially underground and in the central section of the route, which delayed (presumably by about a year) the construction of M4. They have declared that the first three stops from Linate to Forlanini will be opened by the end of 2021, but that we will have to wait about three months to have a new and more precise timetable for the works. 

from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Commission Room 
Joint Council Commission Urban planning, private construction, Milanese agricultural system e Mobility, Transport, Environmental Policies, Civil Protection, Animals and Green (Chaired by Councilors Monguzzi Carlo and Ceccarelli Bruno)
Agenda:"Situation of Città Studi in light of the transfer of part of the Universities".
The following were invited to the commission's work: Councilor Pierfrancesco Maran, the representatives of Municipality 3 and the citizens belonging to the "Group that will become of Città Studi"

OUTCOME: The representatives of the "What will become of Città Studi" group and those of the students expressed their fears regarding the probable transfer of a large part of the university faculties of the State University, expressing their opposition to this hypothesis and indicating possible alternative solutions . They also showed the solutions adopted by other cities and highlighted how the neighborhood is adjacent to the former railway areas of Lambrate and the already degraded ones of Rubattino. The Director General of the State University explained the reasons why the University is evaluating the option of transferring part of the structures to the former Expo area and why a necessary renovation of the current headquarters would be economically unsustainable. Finally, the Councilor outlined the solutions that the Administration is evaluating, inviting us to keep in mind that the neighborhood is and will remain dedicated to university services. At the end it was agreed to reconvene the meeting to further explore the issue

from 13.00pm to 14.30pm - Commission Room 
Joint Council Commission Social Policies and Health Services, Volunteering e Innovation, Transparency, Digital Agenda, Civil Status (Chaired by Councilors Arienta Alice and Vasile Angelica)
Agenda: WEMI project presentation. 
Councilor Pierfrancesco Majorino and Dr. Ester Anzalone will be present at the hearing.

OUTCOME:The Councilor for Social Policies and the Director of the Social Emergencies, Rights and Inclusion Area gave specifications regarding the WEMI project; the main points have been highlighted. At the end the Presidents deemed the topic discussed. 

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Commission Room 
Council Commission Education, Education, University and Research (Chaired by Councilor Limonta Paolo)
Agenda: Update regarding educational services. 
Councilor Anna Scavuzzo will be present.

OUTCOME: The Councilor recalled the work carried out by the Department of Education, in collaboration with the Bicocca University, to implement a new remodulation of the contribution quotas for educational services inspired by a logic of greater equity.
In this sense, he pointed out that the reference ISEE bands will go from 5 to 21 to obtain a realistic reading of the economic capacity of families and allow the municipal administration to correctly assign the contribution quotas to them, also unifying, for summer centres, a single contribution for the educational service and school meals.
A debate followed during which the Councilors expressed some doubts and formulated questions to which the Councilor provided answers.

from 14.30pm to 16.00pm - Commission Room 
Council Commission Joint Urban Planning, Private Construction, Milanese Agricultural System e Mobility, Transport, Environmental Policies, Civil Protection, Animals and Green (Chaired by Councilors Monguzzi Carlo and Ceccarelli Bruno)
Agenda: Participation Path on the Program Agreement for the redevelopment of the Milanese railway yards: what construction is needed in Milan?
The following were invited to the Commission's work: Councilor Pierfrancesco Maran, Councilor Marco Granelli, Councilor Gabriele Rabaiotti and representatives of Assimpredil, Ance, Politecnico di Milano, Legaambiente Lega Cooperative, Confcooperative and Arcipelago Milano.

OUTCOME: The City's participation in the redevelopment projects of the railway yards continues, in the presence of Councilors Maran and Rabaiotti and during today's session, the representatives of Assimpredil, Arcipelago Milano, Confcooperative, Legambiente, Legacoop, Order of Engineers of Milan and Politecnico have identified, in this regard, possible scenarios and proposed solutions in view of the definition of the Program Agreement between the Municipality of Milan, FS Sistemi Urbani and the Lombardy Region. 

from 16.00pm to 17.30pm - Commission Room 
Council Commission Joint International Affairs, Post Expo, European Policies, Foreign Trade e Periphery (Chaired by Councilors Osculati Roberta and Pacente Carmine)
Agenda: European policies for urban areas: the Por Fesr and sustainable urban development, financial resources and projects for Milan.
The Director of the Economic-Financial Planning and Controls Area and Intermediate Urban Authority Body for the Pon Metro and the Por, Dr. Paolo Poggi and the Director of the Suburbs Directorate, Eng. Francesco Tarricone.


In the presence of the competent Area Directors, the presentation of the lines of action envisaged for the projects relating to the Sustainable Urban Development strategy envisaged by the Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Italian State, which promotes an overall national strategy based on social inclusion through the socio-economic regeneration of disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The Municipality of Milan is the Urban Authority for the PON and the PON metro of the Milan area and, in synergy with the Lombardy Region, has concentrated its efforts on the ERP heritage of the Lorenteggio district, with structural redevelopment interventions and functional transformation of the quality of the space public as well as the social fabric.

from 17.30pm to 19.00pm - Commission Room 
Special Council Commission Integrated Family Policy Plan (Chaired by Councilor Roberta Osculati)
Agenda: Meeting with Councilor Majorino to illustrate the complete picture of the family policies implemented so far by the Municipality of Milan.

OUTCOME: The Councilor for Social Policies illustrated the ongoing and planned initiatives relating to the strengthening of income integration measures and the introduction of supports for families and for maternity. The Councilors expressed their appreciation for the measures introduced and provided suggestions for improving them which the Councilor took note of. 

Updated: 20/05/2019