Absence rates

Consult the percentages of absence and presence of municipal staff broken down by management level areas. The statement is made up of five columns: the first reports the number of employees present in the reference organizational structure, the next two report the data without considering the holidays taken in the period considered and the remaining two report the data with holidays included.

To calculate the percentages of absence, the working days of the month were considered with the exclusion of Saturdays, Sundays and any midweek holidays.

The absence count includes all days of non-attendance at work for any reason (e.g. holidays, illness, leave, leave of absence, compulsory leave, etc.).

With resolution of the Municipal Council n. 1118 of 17 April 1998, and subsequent amendments and additions, the Regulation on the organization of offices and services of the Municipality of Milan was approved.

For an easier interpretation of the data, it is underlined that the absence rate, as it is calculated on the average attendance of staff on duty, is particularly flexible to fluctuations in structures with a limited number of employees.

As an example:
•    if in an Area that has only 8 employees in charge, 3 of these are absent because they are on maternity leave for a total of 37 days in total in the month, the absence rate reaches 20,11%
•    if in an Area that has 489 employees in charge, 3 of these are absent for the same reason (maternity leave) for a total of 37 days in total in the month, the absence rate reaches 0,32%
The example clearly demonstrates that the lower the number of employees in an Area, the greater the absenteeism percentage range. 

Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 n. 33 - art. 16, c. 3,  as amended and integrated by Legislative Decree 97/2016

Updated: 17/04/2024