Performance measurement and evaluation system

On this page the criteria defined in the performance measurement and evaluation systems for the assignment of ancillary treatment to managerial and employee personnel of the Municipality of Milan are available.

The obligation in question was introduced by the amendments and additions contained in Legislative Decree 97/2016.

The "Measurement and Evaluation of the Performance of the Municipality of Milan" System (System), approved with City Council Resolution no. 1200 of 22 April 2011, is the tool on which the methodology is based to measure and evaluate the organizational and individual performance of the organisation's managerial and non-managerial staff, with consequent application of the reward system.

Over the last few years, driven by the new regulatory provisions on the subject and with a view to simplification and efficiency, the System has been the subject of a series of interventions and modifications introduced on an experimental basis through the annual provisions of Approval of the Objective Plan .

Starting from 2017, with City Council Resolution no. 477 of 22 March 2017, the innovations introduced reflected exclusively on the methods of measuring the performance of personnel belonging to the separate management area, providing for the articulation of the evaluation of organizational performance on 3 different programming levels:

  • Solidarity Objectives;
  • Management Objectives;
  • Management Objectives.

Consolidating the experience gained in two years of experimentation, with City Council Resolution no. 1098 of 28 June 2019, the articulation of the objectives was integrated with the introduction of two further programming levels represented by the Institution's Health Indicators and the Product and Services Portfolio.

In 2020, with the Municipal Council Resolution n. 838 of 24 July 2020, the articulation of the Objective Plan was further updated in its programming levels, proceeding, also with the aim of simplifying the established levels, to the suppression of the Management Objectives, as the outcome of the experiment conducted had attested that the definition of the objectives identified to measure the improvement of internal processes found a more logical place within the Portfolio of Products and Services and the introduction of the survey of Common Indicators for Support Functions (ICFS) for Public Administrations.

Following the evolution described, the current and applied Performance Evaluation is divided into the following programming levels:

img Performance measurement and evaluation system

The measures mentioned above are available on the page Performance Plan.

Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 n. 33 - art. 20, c. 2,  as amended and integrated by Legislative Decree 97/2016

Updated: 20/09/2022