Residential care for people with disabilities

Residential services offer disabled people opportunities to temporary or permanent placement in residential facilities.

Types and characteristics of residences

Healthcare Residences for people with disabilities (RSD)
They are medium-large sized structures aimed at people with serious disabilities who require services with a high degree of health integration and maintenance rehabilitation interventions. In line with the characteristics of each individual, individualized socio-educational programs aimed at socialization and reintegration are guaranteed. These are structures in possession of socio-health accreditation, as they comply with the requirements defined by regional reference legislation and are subject to the supervision of the Health Protection Agencies - ATS.

Residential reception community for people with disabilities (CARD)
These are residential reception facilities, with up to a maximum of 10 places, for disabled people whose frailties mainly concern the social-welfare sphere. Educational and social interventions are ensured on a continuous basis.

Healthcare Residences for the Elderly (RSA)
They are used in cases where the pathology of the disabled person is similar to that of the non-self-sufficient elderly person.
To find out more, you can consult the this page.

Community Housing and Community Housing Social Health (CSS)
These are housing structures integrated into the surrounding social context. Guests can participate, in addition to daily community life characterized by the presence of qualified educational personnel, in all the training, employment and aggregation opportunities that take place outside the Community and which are offered by all the other services in the area. These are structures in possession of socio-health accreditation, as they comply with the requirements defined by regional reference legislation and are subject to the supervision of the Health Protection Agencies - ATS.

Protected apartments and microcommunities
It is a residential service aimed at disabled people with reasonable autonomy, able to self-manage the main activities. They are protected housing structures, designed to facilitate the maximum preservation of the person's abilities and autonomy, the protection of one's privacy, the maintenance of family and friend relationships, the preservation of habits and life interests and they accommodate a small number of people ( up to a maximum of 3 places for protected apartments and 8 places for microcommunities). Educational and/or care staff are present for a limited number of hours per day. 

This is a service aimed at families who apply for temporary hospitalization for emergency situations or temporary difficulties or, simply, to take advantage of periods of relief with respect to the daily management of the person with disabilities.

Use the services

Updated: 07/02/2024