Primary and lower secondary schools

In Italy, school education is compulsory for at least 10 years, starting from the sixth year of age (first class of primary school), as specified by Ministry of Education and Merit.

The Municipality of Milan, like all Italian Municipalities, is responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of the right and duty of education for minors of compulsory school age residing in the city.

Failure to fulfill this duty has criminal relevance for those responsible (parents/guardians) of minors and entails the obligation to report to the judicial authorities.

School is compulsory by law from ages 6 to 16.

For the 2024-2025 school year, registration is open from 8:00 am on January 18 to 20:00 pm on February 10, 2024.

The following must be enrolled in primary school:

  • little girls and boys performing 6 years of age by 31 December 2024, by parents/guardians to the first class of state or private primary school.

Girls and boys who turn six years of age by 30 April 2025 can also register, upon their families' choice.


At lower secondary school must be enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year:

  • male and female students who will finish primary school in June 2024.

At secondary school must be enrolled for the 2024-2025 school year:

  • male and female students who obtain their lower secondary school diploma in June 1.


Parents/guardians who intend to fulfill the right to education directly or privately must annually submit a written declaration to the Director of the School Institution competent for the territory of residence.

To guarantee the fulfillment of the educational obligation, parents and those exercising parental responsibility who intend to make use of theparental education present prior notification directly to a primary school in the area of ​​residence, demonstrating that they possess the technical skills and material means to provide the pupil's education.

The communication is presented in paper form by 10 February 2024 and attached to it is the educational project that is intended to be followed during the year, in accordance with article 3, paragraph 1, of the ministerial decree of 8 February 2021 n. . 5 concerning the regulation of supplementary exams.

On the basis of this declaration, the director of the school acknowledges that the fulfillment of the obligation of education takes place through parental education, also communicating to parents and teachers the parental responsibility that, annually, if they intend to make use of the education parental, they must make the aforementioned prior communication within the deadline for online registration (at the same time presenting the educational project that they intend to follow in the reference year).

The student will have to take the required suitability exam by 30 June, pursuant to article 23 of legislative decree 13 April 2017, n. 62.

Applications to register for the suitability exam must be received by the educational institutions by 30 April of the reference year.

Boys and girls who turn 6 by 31 December of the relevant school year must be enrolled in the first class of primary school (state or private). Registration is also open to children who turn 6 years old by April 30th of the following year.

If families residing in Milan do not intend to enroll their children in a state or private primary school based in the municipal area for one of the following reasons:

  • the child was enrolled in a non-equal private school in Milan
  • the child was enrolled in a school outside Milan
  • the parents provide for his education directly, making use of parental education 
  • his parents provide for his education by enrolling him in a centre, a community, an association
  • the child still attends nursery school.

they are required to inform the Municipality by filling out the compulsory education form when it comes to service page.

The Primary School Summer Centers are daytime holiday centres, organized at school premises equipped with outdoor spaces for play, sports and entertainment activities.

The Summer Centers offer a summer educational and recreational project consistent with the teaching activities and skills developed during primary school, with the aim of helping families reconcile life and work times during school closures.

The service deals with the prevention and fight against school dropout (6-16 years) through educational actions organized at school and in the area.

School orientation: dedicated to lower and upper secondary school students (reorientation), families and teachers. Intervenes in class groups and with individuals to encourage orientation towards choice and offers training and consultancy; the service also pays particular attention to minors with disabilities who benefit from the support.

Educational Tutoring: new service for the educational care of minors in particularly serious situations of school dropout or already in a state of school abandonment, reported by schools or local services to facilitate their return to class. The service, through interviews aimed at minors, the family and the minor's reference teachers, provides analysis, consultancy and tutoring in support of various situations of fragility.

PoliStart: the service is created in collaboration between the Department of Education and Instruction of the Municipality of Milan, the Territorial and Regional School Office and the School Autonomy Network.

Through the project we want to promote and implement the welcome of foreign families, the inclusion of their children in schools and the teaching of Italian as a second language. Furthermore, the representatives are responsible for developing synergies with other projects promoted by the Administration on similar topics.

In particular, collaborations are underway with the departments - Social Policies and Health Culture - Security, Social Cohesion, Local Police, Civil Protection and Volunteering, and Decentralization - for specific actions aimed at preventing school dropout, for improving integration and social cohesion.

Poli Start and its interventions

  • schooling and integration for foreign minors (L2 workshops; linguistic and cultural mediation), during the school year
  • Linguistic-Cultural Mediation activities - Poli Start Mediation Desk with Families and Minors in Schools
  • workshops aimed mainly at NAI students (newly arrived in Italy) with educational and integration linguistic contents
  • opening of interview desk for new arrivals: verification of enrollment needs and reception conditions of the various schools, to direct excess enrollments to the most favorable situations, or make the correct changes, through a reception protocol for newly arrived students, submitted to the bodies of the network.
  • collaboration with other projects financed by ex law 285/'97, European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Citizens (EIF). I am looking for school offers, funds in collaboration with private social sectors.

SpaceArteducation: aimed at minors aged 11 to 16, is a permanent presence in the territory of Municipality 2, which works in close collaboration with the local schools and which intervenes in the conditions most at risk of educational poverty and school dropout, offering workshops in which artistic and educational dimensions integrate, proving effective in preventing discomfort and dispersion.

Enrollment at SpazioArteditore (via Pontano 43) can be done through the school or directly from the family a

Girls and boys attending primary school have the right to receive textbooks free of charge from your municipality of residence.
The Municipality of Milan provides books to girls and boys: 

  • residing in Milan and attending state and private schools in the Municipality of Milan
  • residing in Milan and attending state and private schools outside the Municipality of Milan
  • residents in Milan and who complete compulsory schooling through parental education
  • not resident in Milan, nor in another Italian municipality. 

To receive books from the Municipality of Milan you need: 

  • verify that the municipality of residence of the boy or girl is that of Milan
  • go to your stationery shop equipped with fiscal Code o health insurance card of the little girl or boy and thelist of books in your class (to be requested from the school). 

People non-residents of Milan can contact their municipality of residence for information on the procedure to follow.

Use the services

Updated: 10/01/2024