Environmental Sustainability and Urban Resilience

In the following section the Technical document for the implementation of the regulations referred to in Art. 10 “Environmental sustainability and urban resilience” of the Implementation Rules of the PGT Rules Plan, containing the calculation methodology for minimizing carbon emissions and for achieving the "RIC" climate impact reduction index. 

The Document, drawn up with the contribution of AMAT, the One-Stop Shop for Construction, the Resilient Cities Project Management and in compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 10 of the PR's NdA, defines the procedure and instructions for the verification of performance relating to the minimization of climate-changing emissions and the achievement of the "RIC" Climate Impact Reduction Index, required by paragraphs 3 and 4 of the aforementioned article.

Spreadsheets for verifying the required performance are attached to the Document.

The document and the related calculation methods are experimental in nature and may be updated due to regulatory and technical evolution, and the monitoring of the results achieved in their application, as provided for in paragraph 7 of the same article 10.

Updated: 28/07/2020