SUE building forms

The Lombardy Region has adapted the contents of the unified and standardized building forms to the new provisions of the 2020 community, national and regional legislation. 

Before filling out the forms, read theinformation relating to data processing drawn up pursuant to art. 13 of the European Union Regulation n. 2016/679.

Unified building modules - Lombardy Region

The agreements between the Government, the Regions and local authorities have provided for the exclusive adoption of unified and standardized building forms for the submission of reports, communications and requests.

Unified building forms and compilation guide - Lombardy Region  

Building forms - Municipality of Milan - One-stop shop for construction

For forms that do not fall within the standardized regional one, it is possible to use the municipal one shown below.

cpss Seismic Deposit and Reporting of Reinforced Concretes

Seismic Deposit and Reporting of Reinforced Concretes

The Seismic Deposit precedes the start of the structural works and is an independent measure with respect to the building permit, although related to it.

The Lombardy Region has provided unified forms which simultaneously allow the seismic deposit to also provide for the reporting pursuant to art. 65 Presidential Decree 380/2001. 

The Reinforced Concrete and Seismic Office, following the transfer to the Municipalities of the regional functions referred to in the articles. 61, 90 paragraph 2, 93 paragraph 1, 94 paragraph 1, 96, 97, 99, 100 and 104 of Presidential Decree 380/2001, in execution of the art. 90 - Raising - of Presidential Decree 380/2001 and in application of art. 10 of LR 33/2015 (as amended by LR 15/17), manages sampling, control of seismic deposit applications and superelevation certification.

The checks are carried out on a random basis according to the criteria dictated by DGR X/5001 of 7 April 2016.

The examination aims to verify the requirements of completeness, adequacy and congruity in the terms of what is indicated in Annex H of the aforementioned decree.

Requests relating to structural raising interventions must obtain certification from the Reinforced Concrete and Seismic Office before the start of the structural works.

Any intervention concerning structural elements that has an influence on public safety must be registered.  

Updated: 21/04/2023