SUE building forms

The Lombardy Region has adapted the contents of the unified and standardized building forms to the new provisions of the 2020 community, national and regional legislation. 

Before filling out the forms, read theinformation relating to data processing drawn up pursuant to art. 13 of the European Union Regulation n. 2016/679.

Unified building modules - Lombardy Region

The agreements between the Government, the Regions and local authorities have provided for the exclusive adoption of unified and standardized building forms for the submission of reports, communications and requests.

Unified building forms and compilation guide - Lombardy Region  

Building forms - Municipality of Milan - One-stop shop for construction

For forms that do not fall within the standardized regional one, it is possible to use the municipal one shown below.

cpsi Optional preliminary investigation - art. 40 KINGS

Optional preliminary investigation - art. 40 KINGS

The interested party, before the presentation of the building project and the definitive projects of the urbanization works and equipment for services, as well as the definition of the mandatory deed or the agreement, can submit a request to the competent offices for the activation of an investigative procedure preliminary that allows the identification of the fundamental lines of the elements characterizing the intervention and its feasibility (indications for the choice of the necessary services, equipment and urbanization, the guidelines for the design, the indications and elements for the definition of the act obligatory or conventional agreements with the Administration) and/or the definition of a preliminary project of the urbanization works and service equipment.

In the event that the legitimated subject presents a request that proposes deviations from the morphological forecasts established by the Territorial Government plan or in any case falls within one of the hypotheses of typological and planivolumetric agreement, he must expressly indicate this in the request.

In these cases, the preliminary project must be accompanied by an adequately motivated report regarding the necessity of the proposed deviations and/or historical documentary report which must be positively evaluated by the Landscape Commission.

What value can a preliminary investigation pursuant to art. 40 R.E. following the adoption of the P.G.T.?
Any favorable opinion issued as part of the optional preliminary investigation pursuant to art. 40 R.E., if the planned intervention is in conflict with the adopted PGT, it will not remain valid with respect to the safeguard measures that will apply to the procedure relating to the building permit to be presented.

Updated: 21/04/2023