Lightweight artefacts used as a home or workplace or warehouses or warehouses

Installation of light products, including prefabricated ones, and structures of any kind, such as caravans, campers, mobile homes, boats, which are used as homes, work environments, or as depots, warehouses and the like, with the exception of those which are directly to satisfy merely temporary needs.

Constitutive elements of the case provided for by law:

  • that are used as homes, work environments, or as warehouses, warehouses and the like
  • that are not aimed at satisfying merely temporary needs
  • which are not included in outdoor accommodation facilities for the rest and stay of tourists, previously authorized from an urban planning, building and, where applicable, landscape perspective, in compliance with regional sector regulations.

Administrative regime: 
Building permit/Authorisation

Normative reference:
Presidential Decree n. 380/2001, articles. 3, c. 1, letter. e.5) and 20

Use the services

Updated: 24/03/2020