Local police. Neighborhood police alongside the elderly against scams

Local police. Neighborhood police alongside the elderly against scams

Milan, November 14 2020 – The activities of the local police continue at the service of elderly people to warn them against the most common scams and provide them with the best tools to prevent and combat them: a new service has come into operation thanks to the commitment of the neighborhood police of all the municipalities of the city.

“A new initiative, after the meetings organized last year, which adapts to the current impossibility of organizing in-person moments dedicated to older people - comments the deputy mayor and councilor for Security Anna Scavuzzo -. The objective is always to reduce the risk of falling into scams, starting from knowledge of cases and methods of deception, as well as reminding all people potentially at risk that they are not alone and that reporting and being helped is possible and very useful".

The service, which will continue until the end of the year, involves 280 interventions distributed over 11 weeks, morning and afternoon, in the locations most frequented by older people, identified by the decentralized commands of the local police: for example local markets, post offices , the vicinity of the churches.

Each patrol carries with it a totem with the logo of the information campaign against scams for the elderly and, by approaching people, explains to them some simple measures to avoid scams and scams and how to request help, handing over a flyer with all the information.

The agents, around one hundred involved, inform the elderly both on the emergency telephone number (112) and on contacts with the Anti-fraud Pool and with psychological support, if they have already been victims of crime. Finally, the possibility of accessing free insurance for scam victims is also mentioned.

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Updated: 14/11/2020