Participation. Online the questionnaire Milan listens to you

Participation. Online the questionnaire Milan listens to you

Councilor Lipparini: “From the experience lived by citizens in phase 1 and in this phase 2 we learn suggestions for services and activities of the Administration. Let's listen to the opinion of the Milanese"

Milan, May 12 2020 - A few simple questions to understand how citizens experienced the first phase of quarantine following the Coronavirus and how they are dealing with the gradual recovery in the second phase we are experiencing. The Municipality returns to ask the Milanese for their opinion. After the comments and proposals on the Milan 2020 Adaptation Strategy document, which received more than a thousand proposals, many of which accompanied by projects, from today it is possible to compile a guided questionnaire for the emergence of needs and the evaluation of activities to support citizens.

The questions are addressed to all Milanese citizens, from workers to students to pensioners, and cover different areas regarding the long quarantine period: from their own experience, to the needs that have emerged, from the Municipality's services to the gradual recovery. “What do you think are, in this context, the emergencies that need to be paid the most attention to? What do you mainly miss during this period? What were the main difficulties you encountered in doing distance learning?”. These are some of the questions that citizens are invited to answer by choosing from a series of possibilities.

"The contact channels of the Municipality which in recent weeks have been dedicated almost exclusively to the assistance of citizens during the health emergency - explains the councilor for Participation, Active Citizenship and Open data, Lorenzo Lipparini - are enriched with a tool listening to needs and evaluating the initiatives put in place. With the questionnaire we ask citizens to tell us how their daily lives have changed, what the biggest problems they have encountered are, how they will manage the new phase we are experiencing and what support they need. It will be a further tool for knowledge and orientation in the organization of services already operational or to be developed for the restart".

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Updated: 13/05/2020