Participation. 5.600 respond to the questionnaire. Milan listens to you

Participation. 5.600 respond to the questionnaire. Milan listens to you

Councilor Lipparini: "Citizens satisfied with the actions of the Municipality but worried about social distancing and educational activities. Slower pace and smart working promoted"

Milan, June 11 2020 - Not a survey, but almost. The online consultation "Milan listens to you", opened by the Municipality from 12 to 25 May, between the end of phase 1 and the beginning of phase 2 of the Covid-19 emergency, recorded the participation of 5.600 Milanese. Many connected and answered questions about their experience, needs, initiatives of the Municipality, about their situation in the months of closure and in the first days of recovery. A large and representative sample of the population, composed mostly of citizens between 41 and 64 years old (53%), female (66%), member of a family (52%) and employee (49,6%) or retired (21,25%). A significant participation in terms of number and content which allowed the people of Milan to express feelings, concerns and expectations (also with personal comments) and the Municipality to listen to them to guide future interventions. 
Among the comments in the open responses was the desire to take advantage of some lessons born during the border crossing: "more serene rhythms, smart working, attention to the environment, attention to people in difficulty, transport and digitalisation".

The responses to the questionnaire were analyzed and processed in the report "Milan listens to you" which was presented today - in an online press conference - by the councilor for Participation, Active Citizenship and Open data, Lorenzo Lipparini and by the Director of Citizen relationship management of the Municipality, Dario Manuli.

"I thank the over five thousand citizens who participated in the questionnaire - said councilor Lipparini - What emerges is a positive evaluation of the actions undertaken by the Municipality and the use of digital technology to reorganize its activities and a particular concern regarding the implementation of distancing is confirmed social and on the management of activities for children and young people. This investigation - he added - is part of the many activities of listening and participation of citizens which have not stopped and which now continue with specific insights on the theme of the Milan2020 adaptation strategy and on the preparation of the Air-Climate Plan on environmental matters".

The report "Milan listens to you" can be consulted on the Municipality website in the section “Coronavirus information and links” accessible directly from the main page. The video of the presentation will be visible soon.

Analysis of the questionnaire - Milan listens to you

Press conference

Updated: 11/06/2020