The news of the week from 4 to 12 January

The news of the week

Milan, January 14 2021 -  White House: reception center for homeless women opened. The service, activated at the Santa Bernadetta oratory in the Barona area, will be able to accommodate up to 20 guests and includes a health triage.
The creation of Casa Alba represents an important sign of attention towards the fragilities of Milan and is the result of a synergy between Emergency, CIG Arcigay, Solidarity Brigades, the Cisonoanch'io association and many other private social organizations that have put availability of own resources and capabilities.
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Building Hope: a new initiative is underway to distribute food to over 12.000 people. The implementation of the Milan Food Policy continues for food support for people in difficulty and now its range of action has been integrated thanks to the collaboration between the AVSI Foundation, the Milan Committee of the Italian Red Cross, as part of a plan that by the end of the month, it will reach around 4.500 families in economic difficulty due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 
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Innovation: new look for the praetorian register. A restyling of the presentation interface and a simpler and faster search method to promote the digitalisation of the Municipality's activities and to facilitate citizens' access to public administration documents.
The web space has been renewed with a view to transparency and participation and has been implemented with new functions so as to be usable more easily, even from tablets and smartphones.
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Updated: 27/01/2021