Innovation and participation. New look for the praetorian notice board with optimized functionality

Innovation and participation. New look for the praetorian notice board with optimized functionality

Cocco and Lipparini: "Milan first in Italy for the quality of the Open Data system"

Milan, January 11 2021 – A radical restyling of the presentation interface and a simpler and faster search mode. The Municipality of Milan has recently released a new version of the electronic notice board, to facilitate consultation of a space that records up to more than 4 thousand visits a day, with an archive of almost 100 thousand documents.

“The new look of our Praetorian register – declare the councilors Roberta Cocco (Digital Transformation and Civic Services) and Lorenzo Lipparini (Participation, Active Citizenship and Open Data) – responds to the important stimuli of the General Secretariat and is part of the commitment of this Council in promoting the digitalisation of the activities of the Municipality and in facilitating citizens' access to public administration documents, with a view to transparency and participation. In this sense, we remember with pleasure how the city of Milan came first in Italy, on equal merit with Florence and Palermo, for the quality of its Open Data system in the photograph taken by ICity Rank 2020, the report on intelligent and sustainable Italian cities ”.

The new interface for viewing administrative documents published in the Register allows the user to search and view much easier and faster, also through the selection of documents based on their type. The changes to the interface concern both the notice board and the archive of resolutions currently accessible from the municipal portal.

In addition to the redesign of the graphic interface, the web space has been implemented so as to be easily usable also from mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.

Among the various functions already offered by the Praetorian Notice Board: management of groupings relating to documents published on multiple levels; context menu for main document categories; search by object, type, sector; search the text.

Updated: 11/01/2021