Rights. Readings, meetings and a dedicated podcast: the Municipality's initiatives on the occasion of Pride

Rights. Readings, meetings and a dedicated podcast: the Municipality's initiatives on the occasion of Pride

Milan, June 25 2022 - To reiterate its commitment to an increasingly inclusive city open to differences, this year too the Municipality of Milan is implementing a series of initiatives on the occasion of Milan Pride, sponsored by the Administration, which returns with a rich program of events.

To prepare for the traditional parade that will liven up and fill the streets of the city with colors on July 2nd, the municipal libraries will set up showcases with the works present in each location that deal with topics related to rights and pride. At the same time, the milano.biblioteche.it portal will showcase a selection of bibliographies on the homepage that highlight all the titles of comics, novels, essays and DVDs available for loan and perfect for those who want to love, learn and, above all, know.

Furthermore, in the days leading up to Pride, libraries will become places of meeting and discussion on the topic of rights and inclusion.  

On Monday 27 June the Vigentina library, in collaboration with the Calvairate library, will host a meeting organized by Agedo (Association of Parents of Homosexuals) during which the screening of the video "Amoredimmelo" will represent an opportunity to discuss how to deal with the coming out of a dear person.

On Tuesday 28 June at 16 pm in person and Thursday 00 June at 30 pm online, the Oglio library, in collaboration with Casa della Memoria, offers a shared reading of the novel "Ragazzi di vita" by Pier Paolo Pasolini, to exchange opinions and emotions on a work that gave literary dignity to themes and languages ​​that had been censored until then and which cost the young writer a trial for indecent exposure.

Finally, on 29 June at 17pm the Sicilia library will propose the presentation of Barbara Mapelli's book "Unthought heterosexuality. What minorities teach" (Iacobelli, 45), a research on emergence, starting from the "so-called" sexual minorities enclosed in the acronym LGBTQIA+, of new and unexpected perspectives around a heterosexuality that has always been considered a model and general reference norm.

The presentation will be repeated on June 30th at 17pm at the Casa dei Diritti in via De Amicis 30, in the presence of the author who will dialogue with Ermanno Porro of the Maschile Plural association and Alessandra Ghimenti of Libera Università delle Donne.

Finally, on July 6th at 18:00 pm, in Casa dei Diritti, the author Cristina Obber will present the book "The other part of me". Also connected will be Roberta Marasco who will illustrate her "Elsa Special" on the themes of homosexual love between adolescents, with the presence of Agedo and Daniele Camiciotti who will present the theatrical show based on Obbert's text and dedicated to schools.

Among the initiatives there is also a dedicated podcast, edited by Milano è memoria. “The pioneers of civil unions” will be available starting from 27 June on InComune - the Web TV Radio of the Municipality of Milan at link 

The voice of Paolo Hutter, who in 1992 symbolically celebrated the first civil unions of Gianni Delle Foglie and Ivan Dragoni, will tell, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary, that day which represents one of the first steps in the battle for the legal recognition of the union between people of the same sex.


Updated: 25/06/2022