Milan is memory

Milan is memory

Podcast because "Without memory there is no future". Memory as a tool to avoid the mistakes of the past and enhance the common fabric and values ​​shared by the city.

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The 100 by Renzo Zanazzi

The places of mafia violence in Milan

Crypt in Piazza Cinque Giornate

The memory of Giovanni Pettenella, the Olympic champion cyclist from Dergano

Remembrance Day - 27 January 2024

Piazza della Scala - Civil unions

Via Rubattino - Integration of Roma children

Viale da Cermenate - Municipal electricity

Via Dei Mercanti - First victim of fascism

Armida Barelli. A woman from Milan to the world.

From the Villages to the City, from the City to the Neighborhoods - Affori

From the Villages to the City, from the City to the Neighborhoods - Niguarda

Via Castelbarco. The Milk Plant

Via Antonini. The radio that announced the Liberation.

Via Amphitheater. Cooking for Poor Sick People.

Via Ollearo. Popular Radio.

The little martyrs of Gorla

The pioneers of civil unions

The footballers of 1933

The attack on the Milan Fair

Teca Quarto Savona, 15

The story of Giuseppe Tavecchio