Area C | Exceptions for historic vehicles

Vehicles equipped with a Certificate of Historical Relevance (CRS) can enter Area C after registering the license plate and purchasing the entry ticket.

The exceptions are: historic motorcycles, required to register but not subject to tickets and access limitations.

Historic vehicles at least forty years old

  • they can circulate in Area C without limitations

Historic vehicles between twenty and forty years of age

  • 25 days a year of access and circulation in Area C
  • Access can take place between 1 October and 30 September
  • once the 25 days granted have been exhausted, the vehicle will no longer be able to access and circulate until 30 September
  • unused days cannot be cumulated for the following year.

Find out more about historic vehicles: consult the management determination (the part on historic vehicles is on page 10). 


Before registering the vehicle you must register on MyAreaC, if you are not already registered.

Register the vehicle and wait for the platform to recognize it as "verified".

Proceed to purchase the ticket.

Activate the ticket using the "Historic Vehicles" mode.

Updated: 12/03/2024