Technical sponsorship of urban spaces

The proposals and sponsorship offers can concern any urban space and must be exclusively of a technical nature, i.e. interventions concerning the execution of works, supplies and services for the regeneration and redevelopment of urban spaces.

The sponsorship, aimed at all public and private entities in possession of the general moral and technical suitability requirements required by law, can translate into:

  • presentation of proposals
    for the implementation of urban redevelopment and regeneration projects of public spaces in the city
  • submission of offers
    on specific projects for which selection has been announced through the publication of detailed project technical sheets.

The Municipality of Milan will recognize the Sponsor's return on image as follows:

  • possibility of conveying your logo/brand/company name according to methods and in spaces agreed with the Administration also through Sponsor collectors. All communication materials will be created at the expense and care of the Sponsor, after viewing by the Municipality of Milan
  • visibility/citation of the logo/brand/company name in communication campaigns connected to the project (press conferences, posters, brochures, etc.)
  • advertisements (in newspapers and radio broadcasts, on web pages, etc.)
  • possibility, with the approval of the Administration, to use the status of Sponsor in one's communication campaigns
  • display of temporary totems/installations identifying the intervention/event and the Sponsors
  • possibility of organizing events, subject to acquisition of the necessary authorisations/concessions
  • possibility of associating the brand with the specific area based on the indications and evaluations of the municipal administration.

The value of the image return is estimated by applying the calculation methodology approved by the municipal council (see Attachments).

The Abacus represents the collection by way of example of urban regeneration and redevelopment interventions in certain city areas which may be the subject of a technical sponsorship proposal as well as a specific public selection call for sponsorship offers with the publication of detailed project sheets (see Attachments).

The Administration has introduced an experimental model (see Attachments) which defines the communicative value of the reference area chosen for the return of image, to be consistent with the value of the Sponsorship.

The methodology conceived is innovative in nature since for its introduction a typical approach of the private sector and the communication market was used for the unique evaluation of the communicative value of a public citizen area considered in its global aspect. It is a tool that accesses a vision of a multimedia and not just physical city space, such that the Sponsor's return is calibrated on the promotional value of the area and not on the value of the Sponsor's intervention.

The Model is based on the intersection of external and objective factors: demographic indicators; area mobility indicators; income indicators; real estate values.

The Model will act as a guide in identifying the values ​​that can possibly be modulated, corrected and mitigated in the presence of proven objective factors that require their redefinition for sustainability purposes within the relevant procedures, also with reference to market responses.

  • PEC

The proposals must be presented to the Sponsorship Coordination and Management Unit within the Plan Management and Monitoring Authority Specialist Directorate.

Proposal process

  1. The proposals received will be examined by a technical working group, which will verify the consistency with the strategic aims of the Administration, the value of the proposed intervention or initiatives as well as the congruity of their value with that of the potential image return offered by the area to be sponsored;
  2. the technical working group will communicate to the proposer the results of the preliminary evaluation, with possible indication of adjustments and modifications to the proposal and with a request for submission of the definitive one within 45 days, under penalty of forfeiture of the proposal itself.

The proposer may withdraw from his proposal 180 days after its submission in the event of failure by the Administration to take action.

Presence of multiple competing proposals

  • If one or more competing proposals are submitted, the technical working group will evaluate the best proposal submitted;
  • subsequently the Sponsor will be selected via Notice of receipt of sponsorship proposal, published for no less than 30 days on the Municipality's website, which will indicate the characteristics and performance of the proposal received. The original proposer will have the right to adapt his proposal to the best offer possibly received within the deadline established in the Notice.

Log in to the service

Send the sponsorship proposal to the PEC address 


For information and registration:
tel. 02 884.56069 - DS Authority for Management and Monitoring of Plans - Management Secretariat

Law 449/1997 and subsequent amendments, article 43
Legislative Decree n.267/2000 smi, article 119
Legislative Decree n. 50/2016 and subsequent amendments, articles 4, 19, 80


Updated: 20/04/2023