Integrated day centers for elderly people (CDI)

Integrated day centers (CDI) offer social and healthcare assistance and services to people from aged over 65 (or lower, if suffering from serious pathologies):

  • not self-sufficient;
  • self-sufficient but with social and psychological problems.

They favor the permanence of the elderly person in their family and social context, avoiding or delaying hospitalization. The service offers: accompaniment to integrated day centres, provision of meals, physiotherapy and psychomotor skills, hygiene and personal care, nursing assistance and support health interventions, socialization and entertainment activities, rest spaces, geriatric consultancy.


The request for activation of the service is made directly by the person concerned or upon recommendation from relatives, the general practitioner or other local services.

To activate the service, contact Territorial social service competent for the area of ​​residence.

Updated: 12/01/2024