Andrea Campagna Park Project

Functional reorganization project


The Andrea Campagna park, already commonly called Teramo park from the name of an adjacent road, was partially designed and built in the 80s, implementing the P.R.G. approved on 26 February 1980 which provided for a large strip of new public green areas along the completion of the Faenza – Corsico road line envisaged by the same plan.

The part implemented in particular was the western area of ​​the Park, with trees, paths and grassy parterres, while the eastern area adjacent to via Faenza and via Campari, although already predominantly acquired by the municipality, has up to now had a temporary accommodation with elementary greenery.

However, this partial arrangement has not prevented the total use of the park in more recent years, as the large grassy area has been occupied by sporting activities, both spontaneous and organized by the associations present in the neighbourhood, in particular by the AIF Frisbee association, established in prefabricated building owned by the municipality which stands on the southern edge of the park.

In more recent years, the completion of the park was envisaged, according to a design consistent with the arrangement of paths in the part already built, in parallel with urban planning variant no. 279 “Teramo Park and Buccinasco Corsico Viale Faenza Connection” approved with D.C.C. 4/2006, which provided for the confirmation of the expropriation constraints to complete the acquisition of the areas necessary for both the layout of the new road and the park, and the translation of the road layout towards the north, giving the green area a unitary configuration. This preliminary arrangement project, although still included in the three-year works plan, has not yet been implemented.

The request for completion of the Teramo/Campagna park has been endorsed in recent years by local associations and the Area Council no. 6, which in 2012 formed a participatory table for the review of the project, according to the now consolidated needs and methods of use, also through the spontaneous use of the lawn part.

With the definitive approval of the Territorial Governance Plan (in force since 22 November 2012) the park area was included in the Peri-urban Transformation Areas identified by the Plan Document and the Service Plan as subject to the regulations of the Territorial Coordination Plan of the Southern Milan Agricultural Park. 
The proposals for the implementation of the Andrea Campagna Park were therefore integrated into a broader design of the South West Urban Belt Plan Area of ​​the Agricultural Park, also through coordination with two implementation projects financed by the Cariplo Foundation currently in the development phase closure:

- The “Parco delle Risaie implementation” project which envisages, as part of the interventions to consolidate the paths and trees, the creation of a cycle-pedestrian path and a row of trees as a decoration for the public residential buildings located on the side south of via Campari. This route is tangential to an area now cultivated with paddy fields, maintained by one of the farms belonging to the Milanese Agricultural District, and leads to Via Barona, one of the main transversal access routes to the Risaie park, which together with the central route (" via di mezzo", currently being implemented as a compensatory intervention by EXPO2015) will constitute the backbone of the use of the agricultural park. The actual area of ​​the Andrea Campagna park is not strictly affected by these forecasts, but, depending on the Teramo/Barona/Battivacco connection (under construction), it is preparing to perform an important logistical-symbolic function: that of new entry point, a real door, between the built city and the South Milan Agricultural Park.

- The “Genuinenziale Filiere 2” project promoted by the Technology Cooperation Forum in connection with the Rural Solidarity Economy District of the South Milan Agricultural Park, provided support to the participatory activities promoted by the Area Council, through the management of the associations table and the return to the Area Council and the Green and Agriculture and General Urban Planning Sectors, involved in the project, of the requirements proposed for its functional structure, and for the redevelopment of the AIF Frisbee headquarters as a Park House, also open to other associations in the neighborhood, including some who participate in the food policy projects promoted by the DESR and the Municipality of Milan.

Currently the Andrea Campagna park is of considerable importance for the citizens who frequent and enjoy it with intensity, as demonstrated by the interest aroused by the initiatives organized there and the number of groups and associations that present proposals or are involved, in various capacities , of the management of the green area. Recently, the Administration's management approach towards large peri-urban green areas has also shown itself to be moving towards innovative models that provide for more sustainable maintenance, sensitivity to biodiversity issues, and attention to cultural and symbolic values ​​linked to the conservation of the rural landscape.

Naturally in the area in question it is a question of reconciling these issues with the needs and expectations of citizens who wish to use greenery for simple leisure or indulgence and, in the specific case, to carry out sporting activities at different levels of intensity.

We have recently successfully experimented with the introduction of differentiated levels of mowing (see photo alongside) between turfs for sports use, green areas with intense use, natural flowering meadows, finding interest in the establishment of spontaneous herbaceous associations and richer biocenoses (especially Lepidoptera and Hymenoptera). Also in the spring of this year, the Administration carried out an initial planting intervention, to enrich the park's plant heritage. Around 140 trees have been planted, located mainly in the perimeter area of ​​the large lawn (dedicated to the Frisbee game), in order to form a shaded frame for the running ring that is now intended to be built.

From a landscape point of view, as mentioned, the Andrea Campagna Park - together with the neighboring Barona Park, with which, thanks to the cycle-pedestrian connection under construction, is preparing to become unique - represents the transition strip between the city built and the surrounding countryside.

The current project, despite the simplicity of the envisaged solutions, in addition to responding to the functional needs expressed by the users, aims to contribute to the strengthening of these symbolic-cultural aspects, introducing and anticipating, on the border of the urban fringe, the values landscapes of the rural territory that the Southern Milan Agricultural Park aims to protect and enhance.

The municipal administration, as mentioned, already has an approved Preliminary Project for the overall redevelopment of the Andrea Campagna Park. While waiting to have the necessary economic coverage to translate it into a Final/Executive Project, and based on the urgent needs expressed by the working groups shared between citizens and Municipality 6, it has however decided to implement a first batch of interventions with resources from the Management Sport, Wellbeing and Quality Center - Green and Agriculture Sector through extraordinary maintenance interventions (approximately €172.000).
These interventions, in addition to the plantings already carried out, are configured as a systematic set of works which aim to characterize the Park as an area equipped for carrying out outdoor sporting activities, according to the Department's philosophy of promoting sport and wellness in the areas public green.

The project can be summarized and summarized in the following interventions:

A.    Creation of a 1 km eco-running route
B.    Connecting routes of 2 new entrances
C.    Construction of a new beach volleyball court
D.    Adaptation of existing basketball court
E.    Construction of 2 bowling greens
F.     Installation of 2 rugby goals
G.    Delimitation of shared allotments/gardens area
H.    Creation of dog area

The need was expressed by the associations that currently manage the "pratone" for Frisbee, and which are already temporarily setting up, using tapes and warning posts, a ring for cross-country races. The idea is to connect a new route on dirt terrain with some paved paths in the "historic" park, in order to create a training ring with a precise length of 1 km.

The new part has a length of approximately 600 m, while the one on existing routes is approximately 400 m. For the new part, a concrete flooring with a useful width of 2 m is expected. It is to all intents and purposes a natural flooring: draining and exposed to herbaceous colonisation; a minimum maintenance activity must therefore be foreseen which consists of an annual weeding pass limited to the lateral slopes and the first 50 cm next to the lawns. It is clear that the more intense and continuous the use of the path will be, the easier it will be to keep it free from adventitious weeds.

As regards the section on existing routes, the route was chosen based on the exact distance to complete the 1 km ring and the state of conservation of the asphalts, with particular attention to their coplanarity and drainage, avoiding damaged sections by the presence of emerging roots or stagnation of water or debris, which would have required an excessively costly resurfacing of the worn carpets. 
On this stretch the intervention consists only of horizontal signs (a continuous strip of intense red resin) that guide runners along the dedicated route. Along the entire route, marker stones will be placed indicating the kilometer progress (every 200 m). 
The route, as mentioned, was designed to facilitate training for running, therefore, in addition to having a certain length of 1 km, it has a direction of travel (anti-clockwise) and a starting/arrival point marked by the presence of a wooden notice board. In the spring of this year, numerous trees were planted in the most exposed parts to ensure that the entire route is shaded.

To connect the new route designed within the Park with the adjacent road (via Campari) and in general to facilitate access and use of the green area, we have planned to bring forward the construction of the two new entrances aligned with the streets Mazzolari and Teramo, already foreseen in the preliminary project for the overall redevelopment of the Park. These are two concrete paths 3 m wide, delimited by concrete curbs, which from the sidewalk of Via Campari connect with the new path, creating a length of approximately 40 m each. Both paths are signposted and shaded by a row of cherry trees on each side (recently planted).

The beach volleyball beach is a new feature that increases the quality sports equipment of the Park and increasingly characterizes it as a real open-air gym. The facility is planned to have regulatory dimensions so as to allow, in addition to simple recreational activities, also the carrying out of competitive activities, both training and tournaments. 

The sandy rectangle measures 36x22 m and is created through a general excavation of 40 cm subsequently filled with washed fine sand, suitably separated from the underlying soil by a layer of non-woven fabric. The poles for the net are made of heavy steel tubing ø 100 mm (covered with cylindrical accident prevention mattresses) anchored to the ground using bushes fixed by small concrete plinths. The net, adjustable to the different heights required by the regulations, will be supplied as standard, and subsequently kept in the park structure, as will the colored tapes to delimit the playing area, which can be periodically replaced if necessary.

The entire playing rectangle is delimited by a low electro-welded and plastic-coated square mesh metal fence, dark green in colour, set on a continuous concrete wall. This delimitation is necessary both to contain the ball during the game and for hygienic reasons in order to prevent access to the area by domestic or wild animals.

The entrance, marked by an indicator stone, takes place from the park's running path via a gate, while for maintenance activities (cleaning, sand refilling, etc.) it can be accessed from the road side via a double gate. 

Periodic replacement of the sand is advisable both for hygienic reasons and to guarantee the softness necessary for carrying out the sporting activity to be practiced barefoot.

In the northern part of the Park there is a paved area equipped for playing basketball.

The field is currently in a good state of conservation (flooring and structures are well preserved but the field lines are missing) and is very popular with young people in the area. However, its current dimensions are not regulatory and make it suitable only as a play ground for free play.

The Administration intends to take the opportunity of the functional reorganization of the Park to adapt the dimensions of the pitch to the minimum regulatory ones for the competitive game of basketball. The current pitch already has an area paved with stone slabs along the entire perimeter connected to the playing surface by an inclined (dangerous) curb. The aim is to make this perimeter area coplanar with the playing surface using an additional screed until it reaches the regulatory dimensions and to smoothly connect the levels of the surrounding grassy surface; finally we can proceed with tracing the field lines. 

The usual marker stone signals the presence of the structure dedicated to basketball.

In an open space in the "Historical Park" there is a pitch for bowling which is very popular with users of the park (especially elderly people). The current pitch, however, is obsolete: the banks are stuck between the tree trunks, the equipment is dilapidated, the side protections are missing (see photo).

Also in this case we intend to take the opportunity to equip the Park with 2 new bowling greens in line with the most up-to-date functional requirements for similar installations, dismantling the existing field and rebuilding the turf in its place. 

In order not to proceed with the waterproofing of currently draining areas, we decided to "move" the new bowling greens to the large adjacent clearing that is currently paved, where shade should still be guaranteed by the large existing red oaks.

The playing surface is made of very short-pile synthetic grass: a solution that guarantees good playing comfort while limiting maintenance problems to a minimum, the side rails with classic wooden planks.

For the safety of passers-by, the standard equipment of the bowling greens includes continuous perimeter protection (orsogrill-type fence in green metal) of different minimum heights: 1.30 m for the lateral parts and 2.00 m for the "cages" at the end of the field. 

Also in the area of ​​the "historic" park, in the westernmost portion, there is a large grassy parterre surrounded by tall tree-lined wings, currently used for free activities and without any particular equipment.

The free lawn is regularly mown into turf for sports use and used mostly for football (in a generic way and without fixed goals or delimitation lines).

Without wanting to "deny" this free use but, on the contrary, wanting to offer new sporting opportunities, we simply thought of equipping the parterre with two goals for rugby (without lines or other fixed references to a specific discipline), placed at such a distance ( 70 m) to suggest mixed use.

For safety reasons, the lower part of the poles may be equipped with cylindrical accident prevention mattresses.

As usual, a simple wooden memorial stone indicates the possibility of playing rugby.

This is a request that arose from the participatory tables of local associations, coordinated by the Area Council, in homage to the food policy themes promoted by the Municipality of Milan.

In this phase we proceed with the simple delimitation of an area through a low fence.

The area totals approximately 2.000 m185, with a perimeter of XNUMX m. The following factors were considered when choosing the location:

  • Area easily accessible from via Campari.
  • Area located near existing and future car parks.
  • Area sufficiently close to the park structures (existing or future) where association activities can be carried out.
  • Area currently underutilized.
  • Grassy and fertile area, without significant vegetal cover.
  • Area sufficiently close to the public network to be able to make a connection for the preparation of a connection to drinking water for irrigation purposes. 

The intent is to make a small, well-equipped and tidy area available to the Town Hall where activities related to associations on "food" themes can be carried out (social gardens, educational gardens, horticultural therapy, shared gardens, etc.).
But in this phase nothing other than the simple delimitation (equipped with a pedestrian gate and double gate for maintenance activities) and the connection to the water network is envisaged.

Also in this case it is a structure expressly requested by the users of the Park, dog owners, who currently improperly use for this purpose the approximately 40 m strip between the Frisbee lawn and Via Faenza.

The project involves the creation of a large fenced area for dogs near the entrance from via Campari on the axis with via Teramo.
The location, also in this case, was chosen based on the proximity to the entrances and residential buildings that represent the potential catchment area, as well as the presence of large trees that provide the area with a good amount of shade, in waiting for the young trees planted this spring to grow.

The fenced surface amounts to a total of approximately 1.400 m150, for a perimeter of approximately 120 m. The area is divided into two parts of more or less equivalent surfaces separated by a fence, to allow the simultaneous use of dogs of incompatible sizes or characters. The minimum height normally for the dog area fence is XNUMX cm and is made up of metal posts (with a small concrete plinth) and panels with electro-welded and plastic-coated dark green mesh.

According to current use for similar structures, the dog area will be completed by the following facilities:
•    3 “dog area” signs
•    4 pedestrian gates
•    2 double gates on via Campari for access to maintenance vehicles
•    Protective flooring of the entrance areas in concrete honeycomb modules
•    2 sandboxes each equipped with 2 wooden stakes
•    3 dispensers of hygienic bags for dog waste
•    3 “Milano” model metal waste bins. 


Parco Andrea Campagna separate mowing
Parco Andrea Campagna dog area
Parco Andrea Campagna existing bowling green


Updated: 12/12/2022