Municipally owned properties: regulations for use and assignment

General regulatory regulations for the use of municipally owned properties to be used for the implementation of economic, social, cultural, sporting, educational and training projects and on properties to be assigned for use to public bodies and companies entirely owned by the Municipality of Milan, by State and/or other public bodies.

Approved with resolution of the City Council n. 87 of 10/11/2022 

Attention, this Regulation replaces:

  • The rules "Guidelines for the leasing assignment of municipally owned properties to non-profit associations and joint-stock companies with capital entirely owned by the State and Public Bodies”, approved by provision of the City Council n. 36 of 1998 and subsequent amendments;
  • il Regulation for the assignment to private individuals of areas to be used for sports facilities and facilities of zonal importance adopted with City Council resolution no. 32 of 20 April 1998 and subsequent amendments;
  • il Regulation for the assignment of municipal properties intended for cultural and leisure activities to youth associations approved with City Council resolution no. 25/2000.

Updated: 25/01/2023