Emmanuel CONTE

Deputy Mayor for Budget and Public Real Estate


Piazza Scala, 3 - Milan

Tel: 02 884.52561

write to the councilor: assessore.conte@comune.milano.it


  • Definition of policies relating to income, expenditure, investments and mortgages;
  • Definition of policies relating to local taxes; addresses and control over advertising;
  • Directions and control of management activities relating to state property and heritage in conjunction with other departments;
  • Definition of policies for the planning and acquisition of goods and services;
  • Direction and control over the economic-financial aspects of investee and controlled companies, coordination of service contracts;
  • Management of major events based on the delegated authority;
  • Relations with the Municipalities on the basis of the delegation granted; 


Emmanuel Conte was born in Eboli in 1979. He has two sons.

He holds a Degree in Political Economy from Bocconi University. In XNUMX he joined the Corporate Sales Team of Caboto (GruppoIntesa) and, after the merging of Banca Intesa with Banca Sanpaolo-Imi, he continued his business in Banca Imi dealing with multi-asset class risk management for the group’s corporate customers.

He collaborated with Sole2016Ore, AssiomForex and BorsaItaliana.

In 2021 he was elected City Councillor and held the role of President of the Budget Commission. Mayor Giuseppe Sala, after his re-election, appointed Mr Conte Deputy Mayor for Budget and Public Real Estate.