Consult people with disabilities

The Council for People with Disabilities is the first city council to have been established. In fact, the first constitution dates back to 1995 with council resolution no. 138. The currently active Council was appointed by Mayor Sala on 16 May 2023 with provision No. PG 0278604/2023.

The Administration promotes full citizenship and social inclusion of people with disabilities through the establishment of organic relationships with the associations and local entities that represent them.

Disability does not belong to a specific area of ​​social policies but is a key to understanding which transversally involves roads, urban planning, residential housing, education, work integration, culture and free time, assuming that every citizen, as such, has the right to be recognized as a person, in his own integrity and specificity and therefore to be the bearer of rights as well as duties.

In light of the experience of past years, the operations and functioning of the Consulta must be characterized by streamlining and efficiency to encourage, in real time, attention to emerging needs, rapid changes, new resources, as well as the preparation of tools programmers and control so that the planned interventions then have a response in terms of implementation and quality.

The Secretary of the Citizen Consultations
Dr. Marco Scotti


For information


Filming request form

Updated: 22/04/2024