Certified Electronic Mail (PEC)

The Municipality of Milan has activated a certified email inbox to speed up administrative procedures with citizens and businesses

What it is and how it works

Certified Electronic Mail (also called PEC) is a communication system similar to standard electronic mail to which are added features of safety need  certificazione of transmission such as adding a legal value to messages.  

The legal value is ensured by the sender's and recipient's PEC mail managers who certify:

  • date and time the message was sent by the sender;
  • date and time of delivery of the message to the recipient;
  • integrity of the message (and any attachments) in transmission from sender to recipient.

Mail managers also ensure that the sender and recipient are notified of any problems that may arise during transmission.

The communication has legal value only if sent by PEC and received by PEC.

The PEC address is: protocol@postacert.comune.milano.it

PEC was born with the aim of transferring the concept of digital to digital "Registered mail with return receipt". The use of e-mail guarantees faster delivery compared to traditional mail.

To all those (private individuals, businesses and public bodies) who need to send and receive communications, documentation or attachments securely, with confirmation of sending and delivery.

To obtain a PEC it is necessary to contact a so-called Manager, or companies, including public ones, which have demonstrated that they possess the requirements established by the relevant legislation and which are present in the public list kept by the CNIPA. To view the list, see the “External links” section.

Simplicity: the PEC service is used like normal email, both from the client and from the web.

Safety: the service uses the secure protocols POP3s, IMAPs, SMTPs and HTTPs. All communications are protected because they are encrypted and digitally signed which ensures that  messages sent or received cannot be forged.

Legal value: unlike traditional email, PEC is recognized as having full legal value and receipts can be used as proof of sending, receiving and also the content of the message sent. The main information regarding transmission and delivery is kept for 30 months by the manager and is also enforceable against third parties.

No Viruses and Spam: the checks carried out automatically by PEC managers guarantee the absence of viruses and unwanted advertising.

saving: the activation and use of certified e-mail guarantees savings not only in economic terms but also in time when compared with traditional tools such as faxes and registered letters.

  • Presidential Decree 28 December 2000, n. 445 "Consolidated text of legislative and regulatory provisions regarding administrative documentation": art. 14 (repealed with the entry into force of the CAD - 1 January 2006
  • Directive for the use of electronic mail in public administrations, issued on 27 November 2003 by the Minister of Innovation and Technologies in agreement with the Minister for Public Function. (Official Gazette of 12 January 2004, no. 8.
  • Digital Administration Code: articles. 6, 45 and following (Chapter IV)
  • Presidential Decree 11 February 2005, n. 68 "Regulation containing provisions for the use of certified electronic mail, pursuant to article 27 of law 16 January 2003, n. 3" (Official Journal 28 April 2005, n. 97)
  • Decree of 2 November 2005 containing the "Technical rules for the formation, transmission and validation, including temporal, of certified electronic mail" (Official Gazette of 15 November 2005, no. 266)
  • Cnipa Circular CR/49 containing the procedures for accreditation in the public list of PEC managers (Official Gazette of 5 December 2005, no. 283).

Updated: 23/01/2024