Business controls Commercial activities area and SUAP

The Commercial Activities and SUAP Area carries out the following checks on businesses in collaboration with other municipal offices and external third-party bodies.

Most of the activities managed by the sector begin/change/cease through the presentation of the SCIA Certified Report of the Start of Activity. The report presented by the interested party is effective immediately.

All declarations made by users in the form of self-certification are therefore verified by the area, in the capacity of proceeding Administration, by means of an official request or by direct query to the databases of the bodies/offices or to the managers of public services who, in their capacity as certifying entities hold the relevant information.

In particular:

  • ATS Metropolitan City for activities subject to health supervision.
  • SAC (commercial ration service) for checks/assessments on commercial activities.
  • COSAP payment control tax office.
  • Auditing unit for the management of controls of sales, administration, hospitality activities and other tertiary market services.
  • Inspectors of Weekly Outdoor Markets and Fairs for the control of weekly outdoor markets, extra-market stands and traditional annual fairs.
  • Construction/Urban Planning Sector for profiles relating to the urban planning compliance of the premises where businesses are located.
  • Environment Sector for environmental/noise pollution checks.
  • ARPA Lombardia (Regional Environmental Protection Agency) for activities that have significant environmental impact characteristics.
  • Provincial Fire Brigade Command for activities subject to the fire prevention technical regulation.
  • Municipal Supervisory Commission (CCV) for the checks and issuing of the license for use of public entertainment venues and/or for temporary events that present the need.
  • Metropolitan City of Milan and Bodies (Region, Province, A.T.O., A.R.P.A., other Municipal Offices) which are competent in the matter for certain authorizations in the environmental field (authorisation for discharges, communication for the use of waste water, authorization for emissions in the atmosphere, - the forecast documentation of acoustic impact, the authorization for the use of sludge obtained from purification in agriculture, the communication on waste disposal/recovery).
  • Criminal records, established at the Court of Milan, for the official acquisition of the criminal certificate.
  • Prefecture of Milan for the request/verification of Anti-Mafia communications pursuant to Law 159/2011.
  • Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Milan, making use of the database made available by Infocamere (Telemaco), for the acquisition/verification of chamber registration certificates.
  • INPS (National Institute for Social Security) if the payment of social security contributions, with variable form and/or duration depending on the provisions of the sector regulations, constitutes one of the prerequisites for carrying out entrepreneurial activities.
  • Inail (National Institute for accidents at work) if registration with this body constitutes one of the legitimation prerequisites for carrying out the specific business activity.
  • Verification regarding the recognition of the requirements for the exercise of professional activities (e.g. hairdressers, beauticians, etc.) and verification regarding the successful completion of professional courses qualifying the activity at institutes, trade associations or private bodies, validly accredited by the training system.

Updated: 26/07/2023