Giovanni Testori Park, former Campo dei Fiori

Town Hall 8

Entrance: via degli Ailanti, via dei Frassini, via delle Querce, viale dei Pioppi
Timetables: always open
How to get: tram 12 | 19 | bus 90 | 91

Area 62.000 m²
Year of creation: 1969

What to do at the park

  • Play area: Very large play area with several attraction points
  • Running and cycling 
  • Sports fields: a volleyball and basketball court

The park in brief

Located in the Villapizzone district, the park allows adults to relax in the shade of poplars and plane trees and children to play in the large and equipped play area.

The pavement is asphalt and the park is periodically monitored by the GEV, the Volunteer Ecological Guards.

The original name of the park (now named after the Milanese playwright Giovanni Testori, 1923-1993) derives from the garden village built after the First World War for veterans and amputees and made up of single-storey villas with avenues named after the plant species hosted.

During the economic boom of the '60s the village was demolished and in its place, in addition to residences built in the early '70s, a park was created which maintained the street structure of the neighborhood, although today in botanical toponymy, used for the streets , the original correspondence with the hosted species is no longer found.

Main tree species

  • silver maple (Acer saccharinum)
  • field maple (Acer campestre)
  • sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus)
  • Norway maple (Acer platanoides)
  • ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima)
  • tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)
  • hackberry (Celtis australis)
  • birch (Betula pendula)
  • hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)
  • wild service tree (Sorbus torminalis).
  • beech (Fagus sylvatica)
  • ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)
  • horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
  • koelreuteria (Koelreuteria paniculata)
  • red-leaved myrobalan (Prunus cerasifera 'Pissardii')
  • negundo (Acer negundo)
  • American black walnut (Juglans nigra)
  • Himalayan pine (Pinus wallichiana)
  • plane tree (Platanus hybrida)
  • red oak (Quercus rubra)
  • black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
  • sophora (Sophora japonica)
  • American styrax (Liquidambar styraciflua)
  • lime (Tilia spp)

Worth mentioning is a large specimen of hackberry (Celtis australis).

Updated: 26/10/2022