Franca Rame Garden

Town Hall 2
Arrival: via Tremelloni
Opening hours: free admission
How to Get There:: bus 86 | M1 Precooked

Area 51.450 m²
Year of realization: 2014
Designer: Franco Giorgetta

What to do at the park

  • 2 play areas
  • walk
  • stop and relax, coffee kiosk, fountain
  • 1 bowling green with 2 lanes
  • dog area
  • fixed kiosk

The park in brief

Accessible from three sides, the park was dedicated to Franca Rame, playwright, actress and political activist. The garden is conceived as a large open space in which to stop, converse and relax.

The first lot of the garden extends with regular shapes in two orthogonal axial directions. At the center of the system of axes, crossing and conjugating the two parts of the garden, there is the largest and most open area: the large lawn, with isolated trees, a space of great freedom.

This part constitutes the heart of the garden and offers the largest spaces suitable for use for rest and recreation, with a discreet presence of parking facilities, the kiosk and the pavilion, with the related offer of refreshment and need.

The entrances on via Ugo Tognazzi and via Vittorio Gassman have equipped areas for children as well as places for meeting, playing and leisure opportunities for the most diverse age groups. Numerous open spaces and seats, bowling greens and pergolas for the meeting and leisure of elderly people among small flower gardens, attractive vegetal elements and architecture.

The project was developed with a configuration and a supply of elements and equipment that allow easy access and use to every category of people, with a series of measures aimed at facilitating use.

In 2016, the garden was named after Franca Rame (1929-2013), an actress and civil rights advocate.

In the garden there are numerous flowerbeds of perennial herbaceous and shrubby plants capable of offering, at different times of the year, blooms and pleasant splashes of color.

More than 450 trees have been planted. There are various species of trees, from the most common and used in urban areas to some less known and rare.

Updated: 11/10/2022