Vegetable gardens and gardens in the city

Do you want to dedicate yourself to the greenery of Milan?

Investing time in cultivating an urban vegetable garden or creating a shared garden has positive implications that go beyond simple personal entertainment.

Urban gardens and shared gardens allow the recovery of abandoned or degraded areas. These are therefore innovative and eco-sustainable ways of managing the territory. And yet the most relevant aspect of these projects is the interweaving of relationships and social exchanges that arise from them: the places to be looked after become the meeting point between different generations and cultures, which promotes mutual knowledge and social aggregation.

In shared gardens, in particular, the true soul of the project is the sense of belonging that pervades its protagonists. Everyone becomes aware of forming a group whose glue is a result that can only be achieved by working together: therefore one true community.

And the opportunities for conviviality are multiplying. The redeveloped greenery makes the city more beautiful, more attractive and livable and allows for organize events and initiatives open to the entire community. Sowing or harvest parties, planting or educational activities are just some of the possibilities that a well-kept green space offers. Here because taking care of Milan's greenery means actively participating in the improvement of the city.

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Updated: 10/02/2020