Villa Reale, a garden to explore

Trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants to discover with a guide and a botanical route.

The botanical route was identified by the Volunteer Ecological Guards in 2004 within the garden of Villa Belgioioso Bonaparte also known as Villa Reale. 

The chosen plants were equipped with tags bearing their name, fixed to the trunk at eye level with a stainless steel nail that does not damage the plant, as is used in the most important botanical gardens such as Villa Taranto in Verbania Pallanza and Kew Gardens in London. Shrubs and herbaceous plants were also equipped with labels positioned on a support fixed in the ground near them.

The label was defined following examples created and consulting botanists. A simple, linear approach was preferred, which reports the common name of the plant followed by the botanical name, the descriptor, the species and the origin. The same typology was used for the botanical routes in the Sempione Park and in the Guastalla Garden.

The sheets describing the characteristics of the 53 chosen plants were collected in a publication created by the Zone 1 Council in collaboration with the Green Area, Agriculture and Urban Furnishings and the Volunteer Ecological Guards, downloadable from this page in PDF format with the map of the route.

Updated: 04/08/2022