Building areas

What are
By building area we mean the area that can be used for building purposes based on the general or implementing urban planning instruments in force.

The table of values ​​of the 2009 building areas is also valid for the years 2010 and 2011.

When to use the table
The building areas table must be used exclusively for simple building interventions, subject to a simple or SuperDia building permit compatible with the provisions of the Master Plan.

Cases in which not to use the table
It is not to be used for areas affected by:

  • PRU
  • Development plans
  • Integrated Intervention Programs
  • Renovation and conservative restoration interventions
  • Plans subject to agreement
  • similar cases that allow volumes greater than 3 mXNUMX/mXNUMX to be achieved.

Identify the value of the building area
Bearing in mind the limitations of the Municipality's power of assessment if the tax is paid on the basis of a value not lower than the predetermined one, it is necessary to identify:

  • the BIM zone (from 1 to 70)
  • the land area of ​​the lot subject to the intervention, from a survey carried out by a professional, from the building plan or from the cadastral results (consistencies of the cadastral maps involved).

How to find data
Once the 2009 Building Areas table has been opened (also valid for the years 2010 and 2011), it is necessary to identify:

  1. the homogeneous zone (example B1 or B3) and the functional zone (example: R, R/I, I/R, TA, R/TA etc.) from the urban planning certificate or from the building device
  2. the value per m11. of land area depending on the legal status of the area (operational building instrument, operational implementation instrument or simple status of inclusion of the area in the Master Plan). Please remember that, pursuant to art. 16 quaterdecies, c. 203, DL 05/248, converted by L. 05/5, an area is to be considered buildable if it can be used for building purposes based on the general urban planning instrument, regardless of the adoption of implementing instruments thereof. In the case of areas included in the simple PRG, the XNUMX-year update will be applied


  1. multiply the land area by the value found (in relation to the destination of the Town Plan, the legal status, the duration of the construction works)
  2. to the value thus obtained apply the ICI rate relating to the year 2011 (5 per thousand).

Destination 70% residential, 30% offices
Ownership since 1/4/2008
Expected 2 years of intervention: euro/m2.571,31 XNUMX;
Area Value: 2.571,31 x 2.450 = 6.299.709,50 euros 
6.299.709,50 euros x 5/000 = 31.498,54 euros ICI 
31.498,54 euros/12* 9= 23.623,91 euros for the year 2011, payable in advance (3 months) and balance (6 months).

Please note: in the event that there is an adjustment of intended use in mixed functional zones with payment of the additional standard, it will be necessary to use the tabular value relating to the actual building situation created (e.g. for the construction of a completely residential structure in the I/R functional zone yes will have to consider the tabular value R).


  • For extensions to existing buildings, the taxable base is defined by the value of the area relating to the volume actually achievable on the building site (even if these are partial extensions not saturating the entire capacity) with effect from the release of the building permit or agreement until the works are completed
  • for renovations or conservative restorations, the taxable base is defined by the value of the area relating to the volume actually existing on the site of restructuring or subject to conservative restoration, even if exceeding the volumetric index currently envisaged by the current PRG, with effect from the release of the device building or agreement, until the works are completed.

ICI Service Building Areas Office
tel. 02 884.54018 / 54001 / 54115
opening hours: Wednesday, from 14pm to 00pm

Updated: 15/04/2020