Affido Milan newspaper

Forms of foster care

Social Services prepares personalized family foster care projects which take into account the needs of the boy and girl, their family of origin and the characteristics of the foster family. 

So there are different forms of foster care which vary in relation to the commitment required.

Who is welcomed?

Girls and boys who live in a family or educational community.
They may have behavioral difficulties, health problems and even disabilities. They come from difficult family situations. In these cases, the sons and daughters need to live an experience of family hospitality of sharing and affection for a period of time that also varies in relation to the recoverability of the family of origin.  

What are asked of foster carers?
Willingness to welcome a child and his or her story into one's home, one's network of relationships and into everyday life, respecting his or her origin and cultural, religious and ethnic belonging. 
The foster family undertakes to ensure that the boy or girl receives the care, education and emotional relationships they require, encouraging, in the manner indicated in the Foster Care Agreement, the relationship of the boy or girl with his or her foster family. origin.

Who is welcomed?
Boys and girls from 0 to 3/5 years old who need protection and care outside their natural family unit. Generally the Juvenile Judicial Authority deals with them. 

What do you ask?
The prompt reception is aimed at couples who have already gained experience with their own children and are able to guarantee, immediately, full-time reception and all the care and attention needed by a young child or very small. The reception lasts a maximum of nine/twelve months and cannot take place at the same time as other foster care projects.
For these foster care projects, the foster family is required to participate in a specific training course, and the support of an Educational Partner who accompanies the family in the foster care process is also offered.

Who is welcomed?
Children and adolescents, who live in an educational community or in their own family, who in their free time and in some moments of everyday life, need a relationship experience. The context of boys and girls living in a family frequently sees the presence of a single parent, without a family or friend support network, in temporary difficulty in organizing daily life such as, for example, changes in work shifts or need to undergo medical treatment.

What do you ask?
Foster families offer family space and time on weekends, holidays or a few hours a day, compatible with busy schedules. The child or young person in part-time foster care experiences different growth opportunities, experimenting with new experiences, getting to know new places, people, habits, approaches to study and play, in a context of personalized and positive relationships.

Who is welcomed? 
A young single mother with her son/daughter, ready to follow a project of personal, working and housing autonomy. Mother and child will share the daily life and home of the family that welcomes them.

What do you ask?
Foster families are made up of couples with children or singles with parental experience and availability of space and time, capable of valuing, appreciating, advising and supporting the mother in her relationship with her child, helping her to carry out her parental role and accompanying her towards autonomy.

Who is welcomed?
Boys and girls, Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (MSNA) who come from migratory routes, who are alone on Italian territory and need to be accompanied on a path to autonomy.

What are asked of foster carers?
Willingness to welcome a boy/girl and his/her story into one's home, into one's network of relationships and into everyday life, respecting his or her origin and cultural, religious and ethnic belonging.
The foster family undertakes, in agreement with the Services, to ensure the boy and/or girl has the emotional relationships they need, encouraging their path to independence. 

Use the services

Municipality of Milan - Coordination of foster care
viale Luigi Sturzo, 49 - 20154 Milan
tel. 02 884.63013/63012  