Citizen Representation of the Canteen Commissions

The Canteen Commission System promotes the participation of citizens and encourages the involvement of the competent municipal services and educational institutions.
The objective is to encourage the turnover of its members and guarantee the maximum participation of parents, teachers and educational staff in its activities.

The school canteen commissions are represented by the Citizen Representation of the Canteen Commissions (according to the provisions governed by TITLE II of the municipal regulation approved by the City Council with resolution no. 6 of 12/03/2014).

The members of the Canteen Commissions who wish to apply as member of the City Representative they can present their candidacy within the times indicated, from time to time, in the election calendar.

The members of the Canteen Commissions who wish to participate in the counting operations can present their availability within the times indicated, from time to time, in the election calendar.

Updated: 03/11/2023