Nursery school: the offer

To promote the identity, autonomy, skills and citizenship of girls and boys, the nursery school:

  • creates educational strategies that contribute to the growth of competent, curious girls and boys, capable of building meaningful relationships with adults and peers through constructive discussion
  • contributes to the education and emotional, psychomotor, cognitive, moral, religious and social development of girls and boys by promoting their resources, talents, autonomy, creativity and desire to learn
  • enhances the peculiarities and resources of every girl and boy, in the awareness that every growth path has personal times and methods that educators recognise, respect and support.

Girls and boys always show interest in the natural, physical and social world. The discovery and understanding of what surrounds them happens gradually, also through their emotions and their imagination; responding to their requests, also by resorting to their inner world and imagination, represents the best way to encourage their peaceful and conscious growth.

The nursery school promotes meeting opportunities - individual and group - between parents, educators and managers who promote mutual knowledge, the exchange of information and the sharing of pedagogical and organizational choices with a view to educational co-responsibility.

The organization of the educational day involves the alternation of moments dedicated to gaming experiences and activities, with moments characterized by actions that are repeated every day: welcoming in the morning, personal care and hygiene, tidying up the spaces in the finishing an activity, lunch time, relaxation and returning home.

Le routine they are, therefore, truly important educational care actions, because they help girls and boys to understand the rhythms of the day and to organize their actions in coherence with the moments of the educational day.

Welcoming a girl or boy with a disability or in a fragile condition means making a commitment to her parents and to the community. Thanks also to the contribution of educational support staff, educators and parents collaborate in the drafting of the PEI - Individualized Educational Project, with the aim of identifying specific care paths and educational activities that promote the integration and growth of girls and boys.

To enhance and best finalize every educational action, the school also actively collaborates with the local area, social services and socio-health services.

Educators accompany girls and boys in their growth, welcoming them from the nursery and the Spring Sections and organizing their educational path in the nursery school with actions that promote continuity and educational coherence between the different experiences.

Continuity means educating about passage and transitions, promoting curiosity and willingness to change, teaching girls and boys to constantly reorganize their resources and to welcome the opportunities for growth that different life contexts offer.

Updated: 30/08/2022